Thursday, October 11, 2012

Dying for Water - Discover how you can make a life-saving difference today

The Home for Christian Writers! 
FaithWriters is a Christian Book Marketing partner that runs writing contests for Christian Writers weekly and monthly. In our Monthly Blog Contest writers sharpen their skills while promoting a Christian based Ministry that is saving lives now and for eternity. These articles contain contextual links to the sponsoring ministry's website to promote awareness and encourage donations.  Writers who win receive Paid Writing Assignments from the sponsoring ministry. FaithWriters promotes the growth of Christian Authors while spreading the gospel around the world. If you are a Christian writer, we would love to have you come and grow with us in a safe and caring Christian environment.
Most Recent Contest – "Dying for Water"
First place and two paid writing assignments - Lori Othouse


The scene plays out like one from a dramatic film or a gripping novel…

Hot wind whips across the flat, dry land, blowing dust into the eyes of a frail young mother. She tries to blink it away, along with her tears. Sitting in the shade of a scrawny tree, she holds her only son - ten months old, thirsty and weak. The dehydration was taking its grim toll.

Their water supply now used up, her husband had set out to look for another water source - that was two days ago. It was the third time this year he had left on such a journey, not knowing what he would find, nor what he would come back to. But there was no choice, because there was no water. All she could do now was wait.

The young mother's tears fell onto her son's dry, chapped skin. She bowed her head and whispered, "Just one more day…please let me have him just one more day." She knew not to whom she was praying or that she even was praying. No one had told her of a God who heard her, loved her and wept with her. She held her child close, not knowing how much longer she would have with him…

It's a nightmare that makes us want to change the channel or close the book, but sadly, it is the cruel reality for millions of people in developing countries. People with no access to clean water, or any water for that matter and who are, quite literally, dying for it - 4100 children die from unclean water every day.

Every day. 

It's easy to turn away thinking the need is too vast, too great for me to help. What hope is there? But there is help. There is hope…

The Water4 Foundation is an organization that exists to bring life-saving water to nations plagued by water scarcity. But its mission doesn't end there. Using cost-effective hand-drilling technology, they are able to provide water wells for communities in need at a fraction of the cost of a machine-drilled well. And because the process utilizes materials that are locally available and manpower over machine power, the people there are able to duplicate these methods on their own, thus providing even more wells along with much-needed employment opportunities.

By partnering with Water4, we can help give this mother not just one more, but many more days with her son. We can help fulfill the Biblical mandate found in Proverbs 31: 8-9 - "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute…defend the rights of the poor and needy."

Yes, the need is great. Our compassion must be greater. Their hope rests in our hands; how can we not extend them?

Discover how you can make a life-saving difference today.

Lori Othouse

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