Saturday, June 29, 2013

The Button Legacy, published in June 2013, was written as a prequel / sequel to Run, River Currents

The Button Legacy Book Description:

"My Dearest Emily...

When you were a little girl, a change occurred in you. You lost a piece of yourself somewhere....But when you were here in Plaster Rock, you bloomed. The stories we told with these buttons made you smile. With your smile came hope.

Repeat the stories you've been told to your own children, never forgetting that God was there in every situation, in every story held inside this box..."

Growing up, Emily Evans of Run, River Currents had always shared a special understanding with her grandfather, John Polk, even when she couldn't fully see beyond the darkness of her father's abuse. Yet John looked to the future in faith to what his God could do.

Years after her grandfather's death, the unexpected delivery of the decorated tin, still brimming with odd-colored buttons, unlocks the joyous memories and lets Emily realize she has finally discovered the secret her grandfather promised lay within the stories of the worn button box.

Told through the eyes of a godly grandfather, The Button Legacy laces together a godly heritage and the power of one man's prayers, offering a lesson of how God's grace can be seen even in the simplest thing--a button.

From the Author:

Instructors of Creative Writing said, "The first book any new writer pens is the book that had to be written." I now fully understand those words. For three gut-wrenching years, my debut book, Run, River Currents, begged to be put to paper. My intent was to write a humorous biography about my mother, a woman who raised a boat-load of children on her own. But for some reason, I could not make the stories resonate, so the humor turned to heartbreak as the story was released from me...coaxed by a writer whose own heart somehow understood the story that was within.

The Button Legacy tells the much happier "rest of the story," as well as the background of my godly grandfather, whom God used in Emily's life to ultimately lead her to Himself. Lacing together a godly heritage and the power of one man's prayers, The Button Legacy offers a lesson of how God's grace can be seen even in the simplest thing—a button.

Author Bio:

Ginger Marcinkowski's debut novel, Run, River Currents, was published in August 2012 and was a 2012 semi-finalist in the ACFW Genesis Awards, also winning an honorable mention in the New England Book Festival in the Spiritual category. The Button Legacy, published in June 2013, was written as a prequel / sequel to Run, River Currents.

Ginger has been a public speaker and visiting lecturer for many years. She has been a professional reader for the James Jones First Novel Award ($10,000 prize), and is currently a judge for the East-West Writer's Contest and a reader for the ACFW First Impressions award. She also writes a humorous health column in BookFun Magazine on a monthly basis. 

Be sure to visit author Ginger Marcinkowski at Novel Travelers, at Facebook or at Twitter.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

FaithWriters The Ultimate Community for Christian Writers Blog Contest Winner - Colorful Voice of God by Retha Groenewald

Colorful Voice of God by Retha Groenewald 
FaithWriters runs writing contests for Christian Writers on a weekly and monthly basis. In our FaithWriters Monthly Blog Contest writers sharpen their skills while promoting a Christian based Ministry that is saving lives now and for eternity. FaithWriters promotes the growth of Christian Authors while spreading the gospel around the world. If you are a Christian writer, we would love to have you come and grow with us in a safe and caring Christian environment. This month's winner is Retha Groenewald for her blog entry introducing the God Speaks Bible
Colorful Voice of God
Retha Groenewald 
"You have one opportunity to prove to me God Speaks to us," the chairman said. "On the table are three different objects you can choose from. These objects are to be used with your Bible. We will convene here, in the boardroom, on Monday morning. Each of you will have 10 minutes to convince me that God speaks. The meeting was adjourned.

John and Peter rushed to the table. John grabbed the laptop, and Peter grabbed the Bible software. Jeremiah was left with a set of colored pens.

The three had a busy weekend with little sleep....and it was Monday. Once again they were sitting around the boardroom table. The chairman looked across the table at the three candidates: "John, you may begin. Your ten minutes starts now. Confidently John stood up and began his presentation using the laptop to present a beautifully, organized slideshow. The chairman clapped his hands after the presentation, and John sat down, satisfied.

"Peter, you are next." Peter stood up, and if possible, he was more confident than John. The chairman also clapped his hands when Peter finished his presentation.

"Jeremiah, it is your turn." When Jeremiah stood up, the other two sniggered when they saw what he had in his hands…colored pens and his Bible.

"Sir," Jeremiah addressed the chairman, "May I ask my colleagues some questions during my presentation?" Surprised and intrigued the chairman agreed.

Jeremiah cleared his throat, and said, "I know God speaks to us. The question I needed to answer was how. How do I prove it? This weekend was probably the greatest adventure of my life. God spoke to me in a new and empowering way. I would like to show you today how God is speaking to you and me, every time we open our Bibles.

"John, do you want to hear God's voice?" "Of course," John replied."What about seeing when God is speaking to us?"

"What," John asked surprised. "God speaks in different ways to us every day, wherever we are. The Bible is full of His words," Jeremiah explained, opening his Bible. His Bible had various colored markings on the pages. John and Peter burst out laughing.

Jeremiah smiled, opening his Bible to Luke 18 verses 16 and 17. "The Bible tells us that we should receive the kingdom of God like a child."

"What does the verse have to do with God speaking to us, and us hearing God's voice," the chairman asked.

"The Bible verse was very relevant to me, because the tools I had in my hand were the tools of a child…coloring pens." Jeremiah replied. "The words are the words Jesus Christ spoke. I marked all His words with the color red."

"So what," Peter said sarcastically. "There are many Bibles with Jesus' words marked in red."

"True," Jeremiah continued calmly. "These words in red prove that Jesus speaks to us. Jeremiah turned to the Old Testament. "I have chosen the color of royalty, purple, to mark where God speaks directly in first person," he continued. "God also speaks to us through visions, dreams and angels. Those words I marked with blue. When somebody speaks on God's behalf in the third person, I marked the words with the color brown, and when a passage refers to God speaking, I marked it with green. God also speaks to us through His miracles. I have chosen the color gold for all God's miracles and different acts of God."

The chairman couldn't contain the excitement anymore. "In other words, this written proof shows us, not only that God speaks to us, but how much He speaks to us. Jeremiah, you have truly proven that God speaks to us. I can see it with my own eyes. You have created a God Speaks Bible. We need to share this."

"What about when you don't have your Bible with you," Peter asked. Jeremiah smiled,
"We develop an app for tablets and phones for people to use."

The alarm went off, waking Jeremiah from his dream. "What a strange dream," Jeremiah thought getting out of the bed. "It would be wonderful to have such a Bible. I wonder if my dream can come true." Jeremiah stepped on something. He looked down. "What is a purple pen doing on the floor?"

Want to help promote the reading of God's Word and encourage people to learn how to hear God's voice? Imagine a color coded study Bible and multi-media application highlighting when God speaks to you. Operation Light Force (OLF) is a ministry devoted to equipping people to do what Jesus did, setting captives free, healing and preaching. Richard Mull is the President and Founder of OLF and the General Editor of the God Speaks Bible and many other books and was featured on TV and media. Help us spread the word.

FaithWriters, sharing Christian Writers through the power of Christian Book Marketing.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Competitive Job Search by Russel Hadick - Get The Edge In Todays Job Market

Title: Competitive Job Search
By: Russel Hadick
ISBN#: 978-1449786380
Review Date: June 15, 2013
A Christian Book Review
9.9 out of 10.0 stars

Competitive Job Search by Russel Hadick is based on proven training methods developed from over twenty-five years owning his own search firm and outplacement firm.  These methods can be used as a complete guidebook to land the perfect job or career. According to the author, this is the first time this information has been compiled in one book.  With this book, you will gain valuable insight into how to conduct a job search that produces results from a 90% feedback response from every resume that is sent out.  With a comprehensive and detailed plan of action, that not only gives practical tips on every aspect of a job search, this guidebook will also teach multi-faceted and key networking and strategy tactics, that enables one to sail through interviews and land the job that 100's of other people are applying for.  Find out that looking for a job is not the daunting task that you have dreaded, but gain new perspective and confidence on your job search as you educate yourself as to what works in any industry. 
Despite the adverse and volatile employment arena, this book provides key tips that are the best proven methods of obtaining employment – no matter the economic climate.  Not only will these methods teach you on how to keep organized, but for many, stress is relieved by giving a detailed plan of action that has been proven to work.  It doesn't matter what field you are in or if you are looking for long-term employment or another career, these methods have been proven to work.  It is the author's hopes that in this competitive job market these skills will help families with the jobs that they need to survive in the so-called 'job market.'

This book is a phenomenal book and comes highly recommended.  Filled with practical information and tips on how to obtain the job you desire in a manner that has been proven to work.  Be empowered by reading this book!

Get your copy of Competitive Job Search at Amazon, at WestBow Press, in Kindle Edition and at Barnes and Noble.

The power of Christian Book Marketing sharing Christian authors online around the globe.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Understanding the Bible: Head and Heart

Bob Dowell, PhD 

Dr. Bob invites readers to peruse the Bible in PROSEPOE, the new and unique approach utilized in Understanding the Bible: Head and Heart.   He explains that prose speaks to the head, that poetry speaks to the heart, and that PROSEPOE—the juxtaposing of prose and poetry—speaks to both the head and heart simultaneously, thereby providing a perfect format for communicating the dual dimension of Bible narrative, its informational dimension and its spiritual dimension.  PROSEPOE enhances the head's understanding of what it hears and the heart's understanding of what it feels.

Believing his work to be providentially guided, Dr. Bob labored ten years bringing to fruition Understanding the Bible: Head and Heart. Because of length, it is divided into three parts  (Part One: The Old Testament, Part Two: Matthew through Acts, and Part Three: Romans through Revelation).  The work is interpretive Bible summary employing the new genre PROSEPOE, whereby each chapter is dually presented, first in prose then in poetry, for purposes of connecting head and heart in dual understanding.

Dr. Bob views Bible narrative as two dimensional, an informational dimension and a spiritual dimension, thus lending itself perfectly to the PROSEPOE dual interpretative format.  The spiritual dimension can be communicated more effectively through poetic mode because the poet's focus is on experience, on engaging the heart.  And is not the spirit more effectively engaged through the heart?

For example, when Jesus addresses the apostles with the question—"Who do you say I am?"—And Peter correctly answers—"You are the Christ, the Son of the living God"—Jesus replies—"Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by man [through the head], but by my Father in heaven [through the heart]" (Matt 15: 15-17).  As Paul later testifies, "it is with your heart that you believe"  (Rom 10:10).

Premise:  spiritual understanding comes primarily through the heart, and the heart is more readily touched through poetry, a genre known to have done so through the ages.  Thus, I submit poetry, by nature experiential, a prudent choice for communicating the spiritual dimension of Bible narrative.  Prose explains.  Poetry transports.  Together, as PROSEPOE, they connect head and heart!

Check out Dr. Bob's PROPOSE theory by viewing it in practice. For a quick sampling of Part One: The Old Testament, the chapter on Jonah entitled "The Big Fish that Swallows" is recommended; for a quick sampling of Part Two: Matthew through Acts, the chapter on John entitled "In the Beginning" is recommended; and, for a quick sampling of Part Three: Romans through Revelation, the chapter on James entitled "Faith without Works" is recommended.

You can get you copy of Understanding the Bible: Head and Heart by Bob Dowell, PhD at Amazon in paper back, Kindle Edition and at Barnes and Noble.

For more information, readers can visit the author's website at Bible and Heart or communicate directly with him via email:

~ Using the power of Christian Book Marketing to share Christ with the nations and peoples of the world.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Global Christian Book News - She Must Be Silent by multi-published Christian author Grace D. Balogun

She Must Be Silent by multi-published Christian author Grace D. Balogun speaks of The Great Commission that is bestowed on both men and women.  The Great Commission has been given to all who believe and are faithful. Taking from Paul in Corinthians where he spoke of the need for women to be silent, the author has written a sound biblical perspective answering many questions as to why this was said by Paul.  Giving the context from which he spoke, the author additionally presents to readers the position of women and their roles within church history.  Taking a look back into various roles of prominent women from the Old Testament to the New Testament, the author comes to the conclusion that women are not only important in the plans and purposes of God, but are to be used mightily by God.  The book culminates into discussing the Holy Spirit empowerment that is available to all and that women are to teach, preach and praise the Lord.
In this book you will learn Scripture and the prominent roles of many different women and prophetesses that were used by God.  This is an educational book that gives Scripture for instruction and reproof that women are to be included within the church.  Women must not be silent is the author's call and proclamation and within this all are called into the greater glory for Christ Jesus. 

The subject is controversial, but clearly through Scripture the author has given the reader fresh insight into the ways of God and how women have been used of God from the Old Testament to the New Testament.  Speaking the truth in love, the author exhorts women everywhere to serve and love God with all their heart while encouraging women all over the world to further themselves in a deeper intimacy and knowledge of God.  A very well-written, highly recommended read for those men or women that are unsure of a woman's place within the Church.

Be sure to visit Author Grace D. Balogun for more information about She Must Be Silent and other great books by Grace. You may also get your copy of She Must Be Silent at Amazon, in Kindle Edition and at other fine online bookstores everywhere.

Using Christian Book Marketing Author Article Blasts to share Christian authors and books with the world through the power of networking.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

In the News - Christian author, Dale Allan, releases A Prayer for the Devil

For Immediate Release
A CBM Christian Author Press Release

Award winning Christian author, Dale Allan, releases A Prayer for the Devil, a provocative fast-paced murder mystery wrapped in a thoughtful meditation on the intersection of faith and justice.

From beginning to end, this political thriller will keep you on the edge of your seat. Twin brothers Luke and Aaron Miller could not lead more different lives. Aaron, a rising political star who manages the campaign of a man many believe will be the nation's next president, embraced his father's Jewish heritage. Luke, on the other hand, honored his mother's faith and entered the priesthood. When Aaron and the candidate he supports are killed in a bombing at a presidential stump speech, the Miller family's core is destroyed. Fear of a terrorist threat grips the nation, but the FBI and the press seem more focused on the death of a presidential candidate than on the other innocent victims like Aaron. Suddenly, Luke begins to feel the lure of a vengeance that is stronger than the bond of faith.

As he falls deeper into the abyss of political intrigue that surrounded his brother's mysterious professional life, Luke is tempted to break his promise to God and reassess his own sense of right and wrong. Luke's comfortable life in Boston collides with the faraway world of the Middle East as he sets out on a journey to unravel the truth behind Aaron's murder. Will he take an eye for an eye? Luke's journey through his own darkness propels him to a shocking ending that will leave readers breathless.
  • WINNER! National Indie Excellence Book Awards Best Religious Fiction, Best Fiction, Best Thriller
  • FINALIST! Forward Reviews - Book of the Year - Best Thriller and Suspense
  • FINALIST! International Book Awards - Best New Fiction, Best Mystery/Suspense
  • AWARDED! Kirkus Star for books of exceptional merit
  • PARIS BOOK FESTIVAL - Fiction - Top 10

"I promise you a compelling read. I couldn't put it down once I started reading it. If you're a James Patterson or David Baldacci fan, you'll love this author's style and ability to tell a story and keep your interest, even with several subplots in play…This exciting thriller could easily be made into an action-packed motion picture."

— Ed Wilkinson – Editor:  The Tablet

For more information about the author and the book visit Dale Allan. You may get your copy of A Prayer For the Devil at Amazon and in Kindle Edition.

 ~ A CBM Christian Author Press Release sharing Christian authors around the world.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Come Meet Young Emmy Mott - Journey To Heaven

Awarded a 2013 Indie Excellence Book Award –

Journey To Heaven by Tammy Brodowski Mott and her father, Bruce Brodowski, is the touching life memoir of young Emmy Mott.  Told through the eyes of a mother's heart, this young mother's tragic loss is shared from beginning to end in this poignant story of one young life that made a difference to many.  Their journey is heartbreaking, yet inspiring, as the experience enriched all who came in contact with Emmy and her family.  A remarkable true story of faith, perseverance and love that will leave an indelible imprint on your soul!

Little 4 year-old Emmy Mott had been diagnosed with a rare brain stem cancer and was given only 8 weeks to live.  As this devastating diagnosis was given, sweet Emmy still had that radiant smile.  Emmy's journey to Heaven and their families' testimony will stir and amaze the deep emotions of the heart.  Throughout the journey many lives, including doctors, nurses and family members, have been changed and enlightened due to Emmy's short time on this Earth.  Many have come to Christ as a result and her family has learned many lessons of love and miracles. 

Emmy's story has been a labor of love, written from the mother's journal entries of each passing day of over a year since the diagnosis.  One will come to know firsthand the heartache, and the extent that the family endeavored in order for little Emmy to live her short life to the fullest.  The readers will appreciate the gift of life that each child is and your perspective for this Earth may be eternally changed after reading this book. 

Certainly this book will minister life to many that have experienced the loss of a child in that there is a tomorrow, the love of God never fails and hopefully readers will find hope that is not found in this world, but only in Jesus Christ.  One will gain new perspective on life and Heaven as well.   

For more information about the author, the book and Emmy be sure to visit Journey To Heaven.

You may also get your copy of Journey To Heaven by Tammy Brodowski Mott and Bruce Brodowski at Amazon, in Kindle Edition and at Barnes and Noble. This is a must read for everyone.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Author Sybrina Durant's Learn to Tie a Tie with the Rabbit and the Fox

Learn to Tie a Tie with the Rabbit and the Fox
(Story with instructional song)
By: Sybrina Durant, Illustrator (Donna Marie Naval)
Review Date: May 31, 2013
A Christian Book Review
9.9 out of 10.0 stars

Learn to Tie a Tie with the Rabbit and the Fox by Sybrina Durant is a colorfully illustrated book that comes to life with an instructional song that teaches one how to tie a tie into the traditional schoolboy knot.  This little story was previously only passed down from generation to generation by word of mouth.  Now, the author has eloquently captured this tale in an endearing adventure of a little rabbit running round and round the tree from the hungry fox. 

Children, young and old will always remember this enchanting tale and song that teaches young boys how to tie their ties.  Now in amazing book format with an instructional song included, this little rhyme will never be forgotten from generation to generation!

Just as a side note, my 8 year-old little girl read this one and she absolutely loved it and wanted more!  She was quickly tying her dress straps into a tie.  I guess too bad girls don't wear ties!  Ha, Ha!  My daughter will always remember this book.  

You may get your copy of Learn to Tie a Tie with the Rabbit and the Fox at Amazon, in Kindle Edition, at Barnes and Noble in NOOK Book and at other fine online bookstores. Also be sure to visit Learn to Tie a Tie with the Rabbit and the Fox for Kids for some fun time.

Just imagine the smiles that this book will put on your child's face as they dig deep into the story-line that literally comes to life. This wonderful children's story book is currently available in English, Spanish and Tagalog. It has an accompanying  instructional song which can be heard in all three languages.

Be sure to watch for Sybrina Durant's coming soon book release for girls, Learn To Knot A Neck Scarf With The Rabbit And The Fox.

~ CBM Christian Book Reviews sharing Christian children's books around the world.

Life Interrupted - Living a Normal life with MS from a Christian Perspective by Chris Tatevosian

Living a Normal life with MS from a Christian Perspective by Chris Tatevosian
The reality is we have MS. Now, we have two choices…. One, we can either think about what we can do or two, we can think about what we can no longer do. No matter what, this is our new reality. As difficult as our hardships maybe, it really is our choice how we choose to go on living.
Come to me you who are worried and burdened, and I will give you rest, Corinthians 11:28
The first choice involves changes and adjustments to our new life, which will allow us to go on living and enjoying the life we have… smiling, even laughing. Yeah, it's not what any of us expected, but life throws us curves every day. Sometimes there as  simple as locking our keys in the car, having the power go out or breaking a fingernail, so we adjust and continue our day.
I know the problems resulting from  MS are not as trivial as breaking  a fingernail or sitting on your eyeglasses, which I have done several times, actually. How about joking about the situation. The situation may not be funny at the time, but when you look back a lot of times the trials and situations we find ourselves in can be hysterical.
For example, I got stuck on the soapy shampoo covered floor of the shower. Trying to extricate and up right myself from that situation was like an episode of the DickVan Dyke show – "Oh, Rob! "  Well, I am aging myself I know, but if you're too young to remember or have seen the show, with today's technology that's an issue easily rectified, or you can just visualize Bambi trying to stand up on a slippery ice covered pond.
Come to me you who are worried and burdened, and I will give you rest, Corinthians 11:28
The second choice is a life of dispare, worry and loss. Either way, if you are a believer and are truly walking the walk and not just talking the talk as they say, you have eternal life in Christ. Remember, God has a plan for your life. MS does not present a stumbling, block for our Savior. Do you think that He is surprised by or taken back by the introduction of MS to our lives? Come on, our God, the great I Am, the Messiah, He who knows all that was, is and will be. He was the Victor and we are victorious in Christ Jesus.
The sufferings of the present day are not worthy to be compared to the glory which shall be revealed, Romans 8: 18
Remember, God is in control. For example, I remember back in the mid 1980s, keeping in mind that I was diagnosed with MS in 1980, I was out at a dance club one night and I asked a young woman who I had never met if she would like to dance. She kindly said yes. After dancing to a few songs the young woman, Liz, joined me at my table. My first statement went something like this… "I apologize for stumbling out on the dance floor. You see, I have MS". I was surprised when Liz began to laugh. I said, with a smile… oh, you find that amusing? Liz responded, no, I have MS too. Turns out, at that time we both had been living with the invisible symptoms of MS. Turned out that Liz and I ended up dating for several years. So when you hear people say, "God works in mysterious ways" know that it's true.
Be anxious for nothing,  Philippians 4: 6
Both Liz and I  were living with 99.9% invisible MS and we thought those trials and tribulations were difficult. I remember people thinking I was drunk.… I was. No, I am just kidding.
Looking back on those symptoms (dragging my right foot when I was tired, unsteadiness, numbness in my right hand. bladder urgency), I have to laugh at what I saw as hardship.
Today I live with reduced sensation over 80% of my body, bladder issues worthy of an indwelling catheter,Yippy! , visual problems… lack of depth perception, nystagmus, blurriness, missing portions of my visual field and shaky vision. All of which makes driving a real life video game… I'm kidding. As someone who is legally blind, I had to stop driving in 1995. I'm also living with intention tremor, dizziness, cognitive issues made worse by heat and stress and the big one… I've been using a motorized wheelchair full-time since 2006. And, who knows what the future holds. Yet, through all of this I know that I am truly blessed. Again, who knows what the future holds. Trust in God And with Hope and Faith We Shall Persevere.
God knew what we were before  MS, He knows while we have MS and although I don't know what the future has in store for us, what I do know is that the Word of God says that He will not forsake us.
Now, if we are God's childrende, then we are heirs – heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory. Matthew 8: 17

To find out more about MS, living with MS from a Christian perspective and Chris's book visit Life Interrupted. You can get your copy of Life Interrupted at Amazon and at other fine online bookstores everywhere. You can read what others are saying about Chris's book at his author's website testimonal page at  Life Interrupted Testimonials.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

I Did Not Know by Brian Irons - a poignant true-story of drug abuse and addiction that started with only one puff of marijuana just for kicks

I Did Not Know

An unforgettable tragic story of drug abuse and addiction that led one athlete to God!

Brian Irons writes his own autobiography in I Did Not Know.  Once a promising athlete with dreams of becoming a star basketball player, Brian Irons, reveals the day that changed that dream forever. 

This is a poignant true-story of drug abuse and addiction that started with only one puff of marijuana just for kicks.  The author had no idea that this one puff would lead into full blow addiction to heroin and other hard-core drugs.  His drug abuse even would span the spectrum of pills, to cough syrup and Tylenol with Codeine.  He could not have imagined that his life's dreams would be forever changes.

Then came the day when his heart stopped for 11 minutes and his body went into a 10-day coma.  He suffered a traumatic brain injury due to this and the nerves in his legs would be permanently damaged.  Never again would he be an athlete. 

Brian Irons has written this book as a testimony to God and to help others in inspiring them that God can turn their mistakes into good while helping others in the process.  This book speaks of the life-giving turn around that Brian Irons found in Jesus Christ as His Savior and gives hope to other addicts that they too can find life, no matter what their past experiences may be.  A highly recommended read for those addicted to drugs that gives a message that 'drug use is life abuse.'  It is the author's hopes that his story will bring others into the light of Jesus Christ and out of darkness – giving them hope in Jesus Christ. 

For more information about the author, his book and some great ministry visit Heroin Addict to Overdose where you can order Brian's book I Did Not Know. You may also get your copy of I Did Not Know at Amazon. This is a must read for those struggling with addiction in search of freedom and hope.

Another Christian Book Marketing Author's Article Blast sharing the love and redeeming passion of Christ with the world.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

What is the Good News? And how does the Gospel apply to my life today? - A Must Read Book by Christian author and pastor, Matt Eachus

Christian author and pastor, Matt Eachus, explores this question (along with many more) in this new, video-enhanced ebook eciple: Gospel - Encountering and Remembering the Good News of Jesus.  Many don't know exactly what the Good News is and what it means for their life.  Come experience, understand, and own the life-changing transformation of the Good News. Matt weaves his story of salvation and how the Gospel changed his life into this humorous, wisdom-filled and easy-to-read eBook from a firm biblical perspective.  Without compromise, the author explicitly displays how all come short of the glory of God and how we all are sinners in need of a savior. eciple: Gospel is available for $4.99 (or less) in all major eBook stores including Amazon, the iBookstore, and Barnes & Noble. To learn more about eciple: Gospel including a short video trailer, click here.

About the Author:
Matt Eachus graduated from Liberty University in 2001 and Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary in 2010.  Currently he serves as Lead Pastor of Temple Baptist Church in Halfmoon, New York.  He has a passion for proclaiming the Good News of the Gospel and delights in serving, teaching and mentoring others to know the life-changing power of the Gospel.  His gift of communication facilitates the transfer of the deep things of God into an easy to understand life application for many that are looking for answers.

About eciple:

eciple: Gospel is the first volume in the the eciple™ series of video-enhanced e-books which are designed to be concise, focused, and simple tools in the hands of Christians and curious and skeptical non-Christians alike. Our desire is that through these works, you would be introduced to the Faith, strengthened in your walk with Christ, and encouraged to be a more committed servant of Jesus. You won't find academic, technical, or high-sounding language in these books. Plenty of those options are available from other publishers and authors. Instead, you'll find refreshing, easy-to-read, plain-language conversations about Jesus, his Church, the Bible, and what it means to live the Christian life. Our prayer is that through these accessible and simple works, the majesty, wisdom, and beautiful complexity of God would be seen in a way that stirs and strengthens faith in the hearts of our readers. Thank you for choosing this eciple work as part of your faith journey. We trust that it will be a worthy companion. For more information visit the eciple website.

Christian authors using the power of online Christian Book Marketing to share God's love with the world.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Footprints of God in Every Season - A Must Read Book by Christian author, Merton Lee

Title: Footprints of God in Every Season
By: Merton Lee
ISBN#: 978-1475979725
Review Date: June 7, 2013
A Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Footprints of God in Every Season by Christian author, Merton Lee, is a poignant book capturing wisdom, faith and encouragement from a biblical perspective, enabling pastors and Christians to discover purpose and fulfillment through God's wisdom filled-truths.  This book is intended to be a 'ground-breaking' handbook in becoming a mature and fruitful believer.  Seen through the eyes of God, past experiences, Scripture and poetic writings, the author has filled the book with many original and re-written versions of famous writings and quotes from famous people and writers.  The book also addresses many age-old questions such as why we exist, what is our purpose and why does God allow bad things to happen.  This is an inspiring and uplifting read for those that love literature and the Lord.   

Offering hope to readers through inspiring true stories and narratives presented and themed by the seasons of the year: spring, summer, autumn and winter, the author gives inspiring quotes from many famous people and writers such as Mother Teresa, Helen Keller and Emily Dickinson, that help readers better understand themselves and the light of Jesus Christ.  Included is the well-known poem 'Footprints' that has been revised by the author.     

This book is an inspiring gem, with many different facets, presenting wisdom for a weary world.  It gives insight into the Kingdom of God and encourages all to look up to the One and only -  Jesus Christ.  This is one of those books that has the potential of being a classic in your literary collection.  If you love literature, poems and God's wisdom for fruitful living, you will appreciate this book.  This book would also make an excellent gift for those who are struggling, who don't know God or simply need encouragement.  I can just see it sitting on my coffee table with its inviting cover…I want to go where that picture is taken!  You will too! 

Get your copy of Footprints of God in Every Season by Christian author, Merton Lee at Amazon, in Kindle Edition, at Barnes and Noble and at other fine online bookstores. Be sure to visit author Merton Lee's blog for some great reading.

The power of Christian Book Marketing sharing Christianity around the world.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Biblical solutions for real-life problems - FORGIVENESS

The Sin of Forgiveness by multi-published Christian author and lay minister/ counselor, Edward F. Mrkvicka Jr. (co-authored by his daughter, Kelly Helen Mrkvicka) explores a biblical perspective from Jesus' words regarding forgiveness.  Within this, much Scripture is discussed and analyzed to firmly grasp the biblical meaning of true forgiveness.  The author states that conditions of repentance must be met for this issue of true forgiveness to come forth.  The author adamantly states that, ""…secular forgiveness does more harm than good.  The one forgiving is never made whole again, while the sinner is left in the same wretched condition."  This is an inspiring book written from a heart of compassion for those that seek biblical solutions for real-life problems. 

Author Edward F. Mrkvicka has been an avid life-long Bible student and has invested many years as a lay minister and counselor.  He has been awarded Best Christian Book of the Year, Best Christian Study of the Year, named a National Best Book Awards finalist, and a winner in the Christian Choice Book Awards.  He has also been awarded the prestigious Faith Writers Seal of Approval.  For his efforts on his book No Innocent Affair that has helped many understand the devastating effects of divorce, he was awarded a Doctor of Divinity Degree for "...outstanding dedication to the sanctity of marriage..."  He also has been honored with a United States Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition for "...outstanding and invaluable service to the community."

His other books include Be Not Deceived (2006) - reveals truths of the free gift of salvation that is offered to all.  We all have a choice and the author presents that all have free will, but this does not give a license to continue to sin.  With the truth of the Word, the author speaks of what true repentance and true salvation translate to in our lives; The Prayer Promise of Christ (2010) reveals that for a true Christian willing to take the Word of God at face value, willing to do exactly as biblically instructed, there is a prayer that will always be answered as asked and No Innocent Affair (2011) gives keen insight into the ripple effect of adultery that pervades today's modern society, providing hope through repentance and forgiveness to all through the shed blood of Jesus Christ.

To find out more about the author and his books visit Edward F. Mrkvicka Jr. . 

Using Christian Book Marketing to spread the Gospel around the world through Christian books. 

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Press Release - Emma Right avid writer and reader releases Keeper of Reign

For Immediate Release
A CBM Christian Book Marketing Author's Press Release

Keeper of Reign, Destined to be a best seller

Author Emma Right of the Pacific West Coast, USA releases Keeper of Reign.  An action packed fantasy novel.  Written for young adults and the young at heart, this new reign fantasy trilogy by Emma Right captures audiences with an epic tale of a kingdom without a king, a keeper with secrets, an ancient curse and a teenage Elfie (a blend of an elf and fairy) boy who has the power to find the truth and reverse the curse. 

Destined to discover the ancient secrets and books written in blood, Jules Blaze, is young and tenacious; overcoming many difficulties, he sets out on a journey to set his people free.  Would it be possible to reverse the curse that has long plagued people or Reign? 

There's only one problem – Gehzurolle, an evil lord and his minions of Scorpents do not want him to discover this truth.  Enslaved by evil, these evil minions are ordered to do nothing less than destroy!  Come and experience the Keeper of Reign.  It's only a matter of time before good triumphs over evil.  A classic in the making!   

Emma Right is an avid writer and reader.  As a busy wife and mother, she enjoys homeschooling her five children, as she also endeavors in writing stories for her children.  As lover of the Lord Almighty, she values His Word deeply, and when she doesn't have her nose in a book, she is telling her kids to get theirs in one.

For further information about the author and her book visit Emma Right.  You may also get your copy of Keeper of Reign on Amazon in Kindle Edition.  You may contact the author at

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Monday, June 3, 2013

A Must Read for All Mother - 9 Miracles: One Mother's Amazing Journey Home After Seeing Her Son off to War

9 Miracles: One Mother's Amazing Journey Home After Seeing Her Son off to War offers hope, encouragement and help during times of despair.   Come read about one mother's encounters, as God leads the way on her darkest day.  An amazing story of God's grace just when we need it most! 


This particular day, this brave mom sent her beloved son off to war in Iraq.  Coincidentally, she would have to make the trip alone without any support from her husband due to his prior work commitments that could not be negotiated.  As she departed for home, her journey began-only to discover that each encounter (9 in all) added up to 9 miracles.  These encounters will bring tears to your eyes as one begins to understand the love and mercy of God.  As the author states, 'God's mercy is unending and overflowing.'  This is an amazing testimony, no matter the age of the reader, that God does love His children and He can carry us through our darkest hour. 

Leigh Watson resides in San Antonio, Texas with her husband and two children.  She describes herself as a thoughtful mother, loyal friend and one who has dedicated her life to her children.  Her story is unique in that she is not an author, just an ordinary mother that has been touched deeply by the love of God.  She could not stop thinking about writing this book, had never written a book before, but decided to follow God's prompting and write her experience for all to be encouraged.  She believes that this book should be in every airport and hospital gift store. 

The message is powerful, life-changing and inspiring; one that will touch your heart with the endless mercy and grace of God.  After reading this book, one will gain new perspective of how wonderful God's mercy and grace truly is. 

For more information about author Leigh Watson and her book visit 9 Miracles where you may also order the book through 3 options, softback, e-book or audio book. You may also get your copy of 9 Miracles by Leigh Watson at Amazon and also in Kindle Edition ...

Christian authors using the power of Christian Book Marketing to share God's love with the world.

A Fun Book for The Kiddos

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