Friday, March 29, 2013

Surrounded by violence and conflict, Jal Valhyn is completely alone in The Boy Who Walked A Way

Title: The Boy Who Walked A Way
By: Nancy Janes
ISBN# 978-147913901
Review Date: March 20, 2013
A Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

The Boy Who Walked A Way by author Nancy Janes is a delightful and inspiring fantasy novel about a young boy and his discovery of the power of the faith and belief that lies within.  It was the year 2162, the world was in chaos and his country was at war.  Surrounded by violence and conflict, Jal Valhyn is completely alone.  He has lost everything, including his dear loved ones.  But not to worry, he has a visitation by two invisible beings and sets off on a seven-days journey to another place.  A place where there is peace and happiness. 

On this journey, each day is a discovery of life lessons and new friendships.  The boy quickly learns that there is so much more to life than what we can see with our eyes.  He learns to trust in mastering his own inner-self and not being dictated to by life's ever flowing ebb and flow.  He discovers the power of reliance on inner trust and the power of believing.  This is a touching story of a boy on a journey; that all can relate to, for we all have our own journeys to conquer.

Epically written and filled with grand detail into the chaotic world the boy escaped from, this novel comes from the author's love of literary work that expresses the divine, lovely and sometimes chaotic experience of all walks of life.  With the use of descriptive imagery and dialogue, the reader will be pulled in and will want to know what happens next.  This is a deeply touching novel that will touch the innocent child in all of us and encourage us to keep our faith whatever life circumstances may bring. 

For more information visit the author's website at Author Nancy Janes  ......  The Boy Who Walked A Way is available at Amazon, at Barnes and Noble, Goodreads and other fine online bookstores.

10.0 stars on a scale of 10.0 stars

Book Reviews for Christian books by CBM.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

The Oldest and Most Historic Churches in Georgia

Title: Faith Of Our Fathers
By: Don Joiner
Review date: March 19, 2013
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Showcasing over one hundred of the oldest and most historic churches in Georgia, Faith of Our Fathers by author Don Joiner is a full color pictorial history of the remaining churches built before the years of the American Revolution and the end of the Civil War in 1865. 

Respectfully dedicating his work to our forefathers, author Don Joiner, has given brief histories of the churches listed each by county, but also gives insight into the foundation of the Christian religion and Georgia's participation in matters such as the signing of The Declaration of Independence. 

The book also includes a list of the denominations in Georgia before the Civil War ended in 1865.  With excerpts on the historical markers in the state of Georgia, the early Christian footprints in Georgia, the various religious denominations in Georgia and The Great Awakening, one will find this book filled with a plethora of early American history.  This is truly a remarkable read filled with extensive research into such matters of history.

Being a retired school superintendent, the author began as a history teacher.  Since then he has been a school principal, director of elementary school education, assistant superintendent and retired as an independent owner of a real estate appraisal firm.

His knowledge and love for history shine throughout the pages as he enlightens readers on the many sacrifices our fathers made in settling the colonies.  This book is a wonderful and interesting read that is dedicated to authenticity and accuracy. 

Developed by the author through the discovery of the fact that there was not a single publication devoted to, ". . . describing and portraying, the earliest still standing churches in Georgia."  With a highly informative and historical viewpoint, the author gives readers a rich history of not only the state of Georgia, but also a wonderfully well-written, historically correct perspective that intertwines the rich history of Christianity, the Civil War and the foundation of Christianity.  

For more information about the author, the book or more about the history of one of the original thirteen colonies, visit You may get your copy of Faith of Our Fathers at Amazon or Barnes & Noble in either a print or ebook edition.

A Christian Book Review sharing historic churches found in Georgia.

Press Release - Creative Writer, Rebecca Sundberg releases A Call To Love

CBM Christian Author Press Release

Multi-published Christian author Rebecca Sundberg of Alberta, Canada releases a wonderful new novel, A Call To Love -an encouraging story of giving from a biblical perspective.

Maddy Walker, a widowed young mother, goes on a touching journey with God as He uses her to bless others in their difficulty.  Despite her own temporary struggles and shortcomings, we learn of this young mother who steadily copes with the loss of her husband and the challenge of raising her young daughter alone with the help of God.  But God does something unimaginable with Maddy.  He encourages her to give even when she is barely making ends meet herself.  Although timid and unwilling at first, Maddy follows the Lord's call to reach out and give to others, granting us a special glimpse of her impact through a woman named Isobelle.

Author Rebecca Sundberg writes this novel in the spirit of giving and Isaiah 58 that says, "If you are generous with the hungry and start giving yourselves to the down-and-out, your lives will begin to glow in the darkness, your shadowed lives will be bathed in sunlight. I will always show you where to go. I'll give you a full life in the emptiest of places – (Isaiah 58:10-11 The Message).  Caring for others in their deepest needs is what the Christian walk is all about, a must read to reach outside yourself and to see what it means to really live… 

As a creative writer, Rebecca's desire is to be used by God to fulfill His purposes through her life and the gifts that God has so graciously gifted her with. This shines true within the pages of Rebecca's new book release. 

You may contact Rebecca through her author's website at Rebecca Sundberg by using Rebecca's contact pageRebecca's new book, A Call To Love is available at Amazon, in Kindle Edition and at other fine online bookstores.

A CBM Christian Author Press Release sharing Christian authors with the nations of the world.


Friday, March 22, 2013

MS, Chronic Illness, Health Insurance Needs and Answers

Acquiring health insurance is simple. All that you have to do is apply. Their enlies the problem. Like me, if you have MS you have probably had the experience of being denied or offered an astronomically high premium rate making the acquisition financially impossible.

Back in 1983 when the dinosaurs roamed the earth, that was my reality... not the dinosaurs the inability to get insurance. After several years of applying and being turned down reminiscent of the process of trying to acquire Social Security Disability Income (SSDI), I managed to acquire health insurance through the state of Massachusetts. I was covered under a program called Mass Health.
If you are getting nowhere with your quest for health insurance, I would suggest contacting the National MS Society or your states society. If by chance you run into a problem. I have provided a link below, which I believe you will find quite helpful.
If you do not have health insurance, I have some good news. According to the Foundation for Health Coverage Education. (FHCE), one in three uninsured qualify for coverage.

The interview below with Akeny Minoux from (FHCE) points out how the Foundation is a one-stop shop to help you understand all the programs that are available to you and which ones you qualify for.

Go to:
The Disability Digest for further information.

Don't lose hope! You could be just days away from being properly insured.

Article submitted by Chris Tatevosian, author of Life Interrupted It's Not All About Me. Be sure to visit Chris at his author's website at Life Interrupted where you will find information about Multiple Sclerosis, Chronic Illness and how to order the author's book. You may also find Chris's book Life Interrupted Its Not All About Me on Amazon and at other fine online bookstores. Share the wealth of information that Chris has by sharing the author with others in need.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Using the power of Christian Book Marketing to share the faith around the world

A Christian Parent's Worst Nightmare by Linda Berg

"Mom, I have something to tell you." I was in the kitchen doing dishes after dinner. Our sophomore daughter was home for college for the weekend and her dad, brother and I, had just enjoyed our first meal together in months.

She had pulled up the counter stool, was sitting on it, visiting with me as I stood at the sink washing dishes. Something in her tone indicated this was going to be serious. An alarm went off in my head.
I quickly grabbed a towel to dry my hands and said, "Let's move over to the sofa so we can talk." The casual carefree way she chatted with us during dinner had disappeared in a matter of minutes.
We sat down and she began, "Mom, umm... I don't know how to say this. I'm sorry. I know this will upset you and dad, but, umm...I don't believe in God anymore."
Incredulously I looked at her and said, "What? Did I hear you right? You said you don't believe in God?"
The tears began to roll down her cheeks. I continued, my panic unrestrained. "How can this be? You are at a Christian College?" Honestly, I'm not sure I heard her initial reply. This was all too unbelievable.
Since her birth, she had never missed Sunday school, Sunday worship, Wednesday Bible study. She had made a decision for Christ at 14. She cared about others, especially the lost. All through High School she had shared Christ with her friends. She was once crushed when a friend did not accept her beliefs about Christianity for himself. Her grandfather was a preacher. Us, her parents, were missionaries in Mexico. All of these thoughts swirled in my head for some time before I was even aware…. she was sitting there, turmoil all over her face, trying to explain it to me.
It's not an uncommon story. The statistics are grim. Three out of four children raised in the church, when they go away to college, will walk away from church and their faith.
There are a myriad of reasons:
· The church is often guilty of entertaining our children and youth into Christianity.
· They don't see the same Christianity they are taught lived out in their parent's lives.
· We have not taught them truth with its scientific and historical evidence.
· They are sent out into the world and universities where religious belief among intellectual educators is Atheism.
I Timothy 4:16, "Watch your doctrine and your life closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers."

As parents and church leaders, we have not prepared our youth to defend their doctrine or to have the will to do so by helping them understand their identity in Christ.

Youth leader request a speaker:
Parents pass on this info:

Our daughter? She is faithfully loving and serving God after three years of turmoil in her search for truth.

Every month FaithWriters – The Home For Christian Writers sponsors a blog contest that promotes a ministry that helps in the natural and shares the gospel. This contest includes cash prizes for the winners or Paid Writing Assignments.

Using the power of Christian Book Marketing to share the faith around the world.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

National Press Release - Christian author, minister and speaker, June Uzzi Daniel, releases Havilah: Understanding the Mysteries of God

Press Release
Christian author, minister and speaker, June Uzzi Daniel, releases Havilah: Understanding the Mysteries of God.  As a Christian minister, speaker and emerging prophetic voice, June Uzzi Daniel, gives keen insight from personal experience and revelation.  His God-given purpose is to assist those in Christ to walk in the revealed truth of scripture, while challenging the Church to view accepted paradigms in new ways. 

Havilah: Understanding the Mysteries of God was designed with you in mind.  You have a purpose and a destiny to fulfill.  Come hear the voice of God calling you into a deeper walk with Him filled with blessings.  This book is truly a faith builder that will encourage, uplift and stir up the spirit within you-empowering you to live a victorious life in Christ.

Often described of as provocative and challenging, this book will open eyes, shedding light on revealed truth and principles set forth in scripture.  Discover the blessings of God and how to remain on the narrow path, one that leads to life.  Beginning with the Book of Genesis, the author, answers some age-old questions such as: "Where is the garden of Eden located?" "What is the forbidden fruit?" "What lessons can we learn from the revelation of Eden? "Why is sin such a hindrance to our walk with the Lord?"  The author also takes a look at the revealed truths on the blood of Jesus, and delves into the Book of Revelation to give readers a deeper understanding of sometimes much misunderstood principles and truths found in scripture. 

The author has designed this book to lead others into obedience and blessings.  In fact, he even guarantees that if the book does not impact your life positively within 60 days he will "cheerfully refund" your money and you can keep the book.  This is an awesome guarantee and one not readily offered.  Take advantage of this highly proclaimed read and take the challenge: Did the book impact your life in a positive way?  Who would not want their life to be impacted in a positive way?

This book will guide you into a deeper understanding of God, His principles and promises, giving knowledge to readers that, "All things work together for good to those who love the Lord and are called according to His purposes" (Romans 8:28).  

For more information visit June Uzzi Daniel, at Havilah: Understanding the Mysteries of God. Havilah: Understanding the Mysteries of God  is available at Amazon and other fine online bookstores.

June Uzzi-Daniel

A Christian Book Marketing Author Press Release, sharing Christian authors with the world.


Monday, March 11, 2013

Bringing enlightenment and encouragement to readers - Becoming Holy by Fountain Hendricks

Title: Becoming Holy
By: Fountain Hendricks
Review Date: March 7, 2013
Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

In his new book, Becoming Holy, Fountain Hendricks discusses the process of the transformation of the inner man into becoming holy, as Christ was holy.   But what is holiness?  In 1st Peter 1:15-17 the Scripture says, "But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation; Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy."  Many Christians do not know what holiness is, how to walk in holiness and why holiness is the foundation of the Christian faith.  Often a neglected foundation of the Christian faith, holiness, is a command of the Lord.  Bringing enlightenment and encouragement to readers, the author sheds light to understanding the process of becoming holy and the importance of walking in holiness.  Holiness is one not easily obtained, but is a necessary component as a Disciple of Christ.  This fascinating book is not only inspired by the Holy Spirit, but was designed specifically by the author to teach, inform, exhort and call Christians to walking in the light and the truth of the Word which leads to maturity and the development of godly character. 

Breaching the gap between professing to be a Christian and becoming holy, the book offers an uplifting overview of becoming holy, naming the attributes and identifying some of the hindrances to holiness.  As noted by the author, holiness is also often neglected from the pulpit in our modern-day society where the preaching of self-fulfillment has become a popular and misguided doctrine. 

With chapters such as: Where is Holiness?; Pride; Humility-the First Step to Becoming Holy; The Demonstration of Obedience; Hard-Work; Faith, "We walk by faith and not by sight"; Holiness; Fight and Holiness is My Husband one will not only learn what it is to be a Disciple of Christ, but also be blessed with a deeper walk of intimacy with the Lord.

Christianity is a journey and becoming holy is a process, yet, we as Disciples of Christ are called to walk in holiness as the Bible speaks of.  Theologically sound, this is a book that is highly recommended for all Christians that desire discipleship, spiritual growth and maturity.  Come and learn what is pleasing in God's sight, while finding purpose, hope and truth in Becoming Holy. 

Christian authors using the power of Christian Book Marketing to touch the nations of the world for Christ.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Recommended for Pastors and Small Group leaders - Thrice Trumpeted Truths-Clearly Spoken 3 Times by Christian author J. Mark Holland

Title: Thrice Trumpeted Truths-Clearly Spoken 3 Times
By: J. Mark Holland
A CBM Christian Book Review
Review Date: March 1, 2013
ISBN# 978-1-4497-7401-1
9.9 out of 10.0 stars

Thrice Trumpeted Truths-Clearly Spoken 3 Times by Christian author J. Mark Holland is a fascinating Bible study on the occurrence of significant biblical truths repeated in the Scripture.  The author started his search upon noticing this pattern of announcing truths in the Book of Genesis.  To his amazement, he found a unique pattern within the Scriptures. Over 100 biblical principles and truths are presented in this Biblical study.  The author asks the question of why?  This book answers that important question, and takes note of a pattern as it relates to mankind and to God.  Those who love a challenge, and a unique, but biblically founded material, will find this an interesting adventure that will bless them with knowledge of these principals, giving them a wealth of wisdom that can be applied in one's life. 

The question one asks is, why is 3 so important.  Upon further investigation, the author correspondingly answers; why should we be surprised that our creator, existing as the trinity, should set forth such patterns.  These patterns exist even in the creation of the universe, in time as the past, present and future, in space that takes length, width and height to measure it, in matter where atoms are made of protons, neutrons and electrons, as well in the natural status of matter that are: solid, liquid and gas, to include the primary colors of red, blue and yellow from which other colors are made.  This is an exciting study that will open the readers mind to the truth and certainty of scripture given three times, where God is saying, "Did you not hear me?  I said it three times."  The reader will be challenged to take seriously scripture that is mentioned in triplet in that it is also a call to obedience to God, His Word and the Scripture.

This is an amazing and analytical read that ties all the loose ends of this question, why 3 and what is the significance together.  Not only will the reader understand that God is a God of order and that numbers have hidden meanings, but one will be amazed at the absoluteness of this pattern set forth and the meaning.  This Bible study is recommended for Pastors, small group leaders or for the individual.  A fascinating, highly recommended Bible study.  

~ Thrice Trumpeted Truths - Clearly Spoken 3 Times by Christian Author J. Mark Holland

For more information about the author  and the book visit 3Truths.  Thrice Trumpeted Truths-Clearly Spoken 3 Times is available on Amazon, in Kindle Edition and at other fine online bookstores.

Using the power of Christian Book Reviews to share God with the world.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Filled with Blessings, Encouragement and Hope - Throwing Grapes, Moving Mountains, A Devotional Journey for the Hungry Heart by Jan Hegelein

Title: Throwing Grapes
By: Jan Hegelein
Christian Book Review
Review Date: February 25, 2013
ISBN 978-1-4497-7590-2(sc)
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Throwing Grapes, Moving Mountains, A Devotional Journey for the Hungry Heart by Jan Hegelein is designed as a five-day daily devotional with scripture based lyrics and poems for the weekends.  Basing her devotionals on the Word, each devotional begins with a scripture that offers encouragement and refreshment to the thirsty soul.  Life is a journey, one that is pondered upon from day-to-day.  Take a deep breath and savor what the Lord has to offer through these inspirational devotions, designed to uplift and encourage a deeper revelation of the love God has for you.  The author has written these Spirit-led writings to help you on your journey with Christ, to build your faith and strengthen your inner man as you look to Jesus, the Lover of your soul. 

Originally compiled from inspirational pieces written for a local Bible study, these devotionals hold something special for each ear and heart.  Jan Hegelein, has listened to the Father's heartbeat throughout the book and pens them from a vantage point that many of us seek, but sometimes do not find - this vantage point is from behind the veil - in the King's Throneroom.  She speaks to the hungry heart and offers fresh manna for the day.  These faith-filled devotionals will inspire you to seek a deeper connection with your Heavenly Father to know the width, length and breadth of how much He passionately desires and longs for you to know His unconditional and unfailing love.  

For more information about the author and her book visit Jan Hegelein.

Using the power of Christian Book Review to share the goodness of God with the world.

A Fun Book for The Kiddos

The Santa Committee