Wednesday, September 26, 2012

There is a Miracle in 21, God Completes - Lorieen D. Henry

Title: There is a Miracle in 21: God Completes
By: Lorieen D. Henry
ISBN# 978-1-4771-5523-3
Reviewed by: CBM Christian Book Reviews
Review Date: September 25, 2012
9.9 Stars out of 10.0 Stars

Author Lorieen D. Henry candidly shares her heartfelt journey on a road to recovery with God in her new release, There is a Miracle in 21: God Completes!  Her story is one that many women find themselves in – finding themselves in a place of complete discontentment.  No doubt that we all have struggles and life is sometimes not a bowl full of cherries, but as the author proclaims triumphantly from her book - with God we are more than conquerors in Christ and all things are possible with Him.  There's one requirement – you've got to give him your mess (life) before He can fix it.  She writes to encourage, inspire and give hope to others that are going through their own struggles so that they may find hope, love, forgiveness and salvation through Jesus Christ.

Lorieen D. Henry writes with humor and shares her innermost thoughts (the good, the bad and the ugly) as she embarked on seven 21-day journeys, over a period of 9 months with the Lord.  Her journey lasted 21 months and her writing is therapy to her as she works out her faults, shortcomings and becomes renewed in her mind with the Word of God and the attitudes that God requires of us.  The journey is not easy, but it's worth it.  Let the author encourage and inspire you to embark on your own journey with God – it's worth it. 

Humorous, enlightening, real life drama and down to earth, Lorieen Henry has written in such a way to give hope to those experiencing a lack of importance in their life.  She encourages readers to stop and enjoy the "present" that we are now living in.  The author states, "This is not a 'how to book', but how she got though."  Her inviting, fun and witty character flow throughout the book that readers will find refreshing as they sort through their own mess with God and allow Him to put back into place that which is out of place. 

A must read! 

Visit the author at There is a Miracle in 21: God Completes by Author Lorieen D. Henry ... You may also get your copy on Amazon or on Kindle

CBM Christian Book Reviews
9.9 Stars out of 10.0 Stars

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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

An Amazing and Powerful New Book Release by Author Paul Mulani

Title: His Presence: Our Greatest Need
By: Dr. Paul Mulani
Review Date: July 30, 2012
Review by: CBM Christian Book Marketing
10.0 stars on a scale of 10.0 stars

His Presence: Our Greatest Need by Dr. Paul Mulani is a powerful, life-changing book that will ignite and restore passion for Jesus. Not only does Dr. Mulani present the scenario of what our greatest need as "human beings" is; he also draws an amazing conclusion as he backs up his claim by biblical representations that unquestionably are the answer. He gives the truth of the Word and presents an amazing and powerful presentation to the entire Body of Christ. This book will be revolutionary in one's walk, when applied; you will never be the same after reading this book. If you thirst after God and want to know how to have more of God and His presence in your life, this book comes highly recommended.

What are we all in search of? Happiness, security, significance, appreciation, rest, peace-what is it that the human race is longing for? Dr. Paul Mulani delivers biblical theology that you don't hear from the pulpit today. He gives real answers from a biblical perspective. Make no mistake-this is not a watered down philosophy built to make one look and feel better, this is the Word of God presented in fullness with much scriptural application through the parables presented in the Bible.

Dr. Mulani intertwines revelatory scriptural knowledge and teaching that not only give deep spiritual insight to the "problem" that we all have, but provides strong, holy spirit led solutions. His architecture and writing style flow with ease as he sums up the issues that block the presence of Christ flowing through our lives. Each chapter of his book flows from one to the next as he discusses such topics as: the story of Jacob; the blessings of His presence in our lives; Union with Christ-the ultimate blessing; the Holy Spirit-the fire of His presence; fasting for His presence; worship and His presence; role of brokenness and repentance; hindrances to His presence and times of God's special visitations.

If you thirst after God, or if you simply want more of God-this book comes highly recommended, as this writing gives the bread of life to those that would partake from it. Written for those that desire a deeper revelation and walk with God, this book is also highly recommended for those that feel burnt out, discouraged, disappointed, disillusioned and at the end of their walk. Not only will this book open eyes, but it also lovingly gives life to those that want to know more of Christ and His resurrection power in their lives. Again, you will never be the same after reading this book. Reading this book will will set your life on fire for Him and His presence!

His Presence: Our Greatest Need by Dr. Paul Mulani is available on Amazon .

You may also visit to find out more about Dr. Paul Mulani

Highly Recommended
10.0 stars on a scale of 10.0 stars

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Monday, September 17, 2012

Press Release - Christian Author M.J. André releases the first of the Wilderness Series

A CBM Christian Author Press Release
September 12, 2012

Apprehended and Apprehending by M.J. André

Christian author, M.J. André, releases the first of the Wilderness Series, Apprehended and Apprehending. Based on Philippians 3:10-12, the author establishes a scriptural foundation throughout and shares the personal wilderness wanderings and elaborates on what true Christianity really is. Despite what is preached from the pulpit, true Christianity is based on a discipleship with Christ and the Holy Spirit to those that are chosen. This view may be radical for some, but is the true Gospel that leads the reader to an understanding of "why" the wilderness experience is the only way to this discipleship. Many get lost throughout this process and lose hope. It is the author's hopes to give light to those on this path, obtaining true Salvation is not necessarily what we think or hear from mainstream Christianity. Do we truly know Him and are we walking after the desire of His heart, fully surrendered to Him? Or do we just want Him to come and clean up our life? Giving the reader a chance to fully examine his heart, it is the author's hopes that many will find encouragement, understanding, knowledge and true faith as they seek their redeemer and find Him!

An excerpt from the author's website states, "M. J. André is an aspiring writer who has learned true Christianity at the feet of Christ through brokenness and seven years of unending wilderness process that left the soul undone!" This book will move you to come up higher in your faith and cautions others to gage their own motives of the heart to see if they are truly living in the faith. The author does not desire self promotion, but has a desire to see others come through the 'Job' process cleansed, washed in His blood, redeemed and Holy walking with their Lord.

For further information, about author M.J. André, the book, Apprehended and Apprehending, visit Apprehended ..

You may also find Apprehended and Apprehending at Amazon and other fine online bookstores.

The author can be contacted or M.J can be reached at:

Christian Author Press Releases, sharing Christian authors and their books.


Friday, September 14, 2012

Southern Crosses - An African Ghost Story, Based on Psalm 19:10

Title: Southern Crosses-An African Ghost Story
By: D.A. Winstead
Reviewed by: CBM Christian Book Reviews
Review Date: September 12, 2012
10.0 starts on a scale of 10.0 stars

D.A. Winstead releases his second novel, Southern Crosses - An African Ghost Story. Based on Psalm 19:10, "The judgment of the Lord is sweeter than honey and the dropping of the honeycomb," this intriguing novel will keep the reader engaged until the very end. Traversing the lessons learned from the past, the Bible, a ghost named Mary Margaret, ancient bush rituals, history and human nature, D.A. Winstead has traced the journey of a family impacted by the Sharpeville massacre in 1960. He brilliantly encapsulates the period in South Africa that followed that fatal day many years past. Half a century later, Sarah Johnson takes the forefront as a prominent, black confident female with the American Foreign Service. She is searching for something in her life, but unsure of what that might be.

Although successful, Sarah Johnson, still feels a void within herself, but is not sure exactly what that void is. Upon her travels she is transferred from the London office to South Africa where she will face many battles between good and evil that will forever change her and perspective in life. In her search for a meaningful existence and in an effort to fill the void, she gains strong allies in South Africa that impact her life more than she could have imagined. She is changed internally through this alliance and through her adventure into the inner workings and understanding of post-apartheid South Africa.

This novel reads like a post-colonial Southern novel filled with tid-bits of history offering glimpses of life in South Africa while intertwining racism in the United States and comparing South Africa's history with that of the U.S. Through the use of fresh perspectives involving the novel, "To Kill a Mockingbird," readers will find this book not only historically educational, but inspiring as it leads them to the Cross. This work is truly an enchanting novel to be cherished, giving hope and faith.

For more information visit Southern Crosses-An African Ghost Story by D.A. Winstead

You may also get your copy of Southern Crosses-An African Ghost Story by D.A. Winstead on Amazon.

~ Christian Book Reviews give book lovers a glimps into the authors book.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Beware of the Destructive Traps of the Enemy - 15 Unbiblical Christian Compromises

15 Unbiblical Christian Compromises

15 Unbiblical Christian Compromises, by author Paul Kasch, is a must read book for every Christian and non-believer alike.

Paul Kasch reveals the spiritual truths underlying many worldly practices that become compromises to the Christian and that many unknowingly participate in. These such compromises have a true root and have become mainstream in western society. The Bible states, "My people perish for lack of knowledge." In today's modern society unknowing and well meaning Christians may participate in these worldly compromises only to open the door to many other problems, leading to destruction and tragedy in their lives. The author has given fifteen unbiblical compromises that arm the reader with rich biblical knowledge, therefore allowing for one to be able to protect one's family from the many destructive traps of the enemy.

The Two Hells by Paul Kasch

The Two Hells, by author Paul Kasch, is a biblically based book expounding on scripture of the two hells described in the Bible. Most people believe that there is a hell and that the "bad people" may go there. In his book, the author gives scriptural foundation of hell and reveals that there are two hells described in the Bible. One is only temporary and is currently occupied by humans only; the other is eternal where one day all the residents of the temporary hell will be cast into eternal damnation with satan and his minions. Come and learn that the two hells are real and how not to become a permanent resident.

Biblical Principles for Financial Success-This amazing book sets forth biblical principles given by God Himself that gives a pathway and heart attitude to financial success. The Bible warns against having an attitude of selfish desire and manipulation towards God and finances to obtain our desires. Instead the author offers a fresh and true set of principals that have been proven effective by many Christians that can attest to the truth of these principles and the absolute power of following wise instruction given by the Bible. Contrary to what you may have experienced or believe, the author reveals that God really does want to bless His children. Following these guidelines will not only enrich your life so that you may become, ". . . a tree planted by rivers of living water" and that, ". . . blessings poured out in such abundance," become part of your own walk, but this lifestyle expands to bless others as well.

To find out more about the author and his books visit Andrew Kasch Publishing where you will be blessed.

A Christian Book Marketing Author's Article Blast sharing Christ with the nations.

The Christian Life and The Gospel - Reclaiming Victory-Living in the Gospel by Jason Velotta

Title: Reclaiming Victory-Living in the Gospel
By: Jason Velotta
Review Date: August 27, 2012
Reviewed by: CBM Christian Book Marketing
10.0 stars on a scale of 10.0 stars

Jason Velotta has written a much-needed book to the Body of Christ. Reclaiming Victory-Living in the Gospel is a powerful book that reveals that victory and the abundant life has already been won for us through the Cross. This book not only sheds light that we are saved by grace alone and by the atonement of the Cross, but that Christians simply have left the Gospel on a search for fulfillment, peace and joy, when in fact, that joy is in Christ and in the truth of His word. By refocusing our attention and addressing false perceptions and beliefs, the author has written an amazing book that will help you realize that-"…victory has already been won!"

The author states, "Only when we truly rest in the finished work of Christ, do we find victory. The victory has already been won." This is a revelation to most people. In fact, as the author states that as a Christian matures, it is expected that joy will diminish. That is not the Gospel, nor the good news of the Gospel. Diminishing joy is not what Christ endured the shame of the Cross for. He endured that shame for others, so that they might live through Him and through His Word-the Gospel. If you are tired of seeking, tired of trying harder or having your worth being based on your performance-this book is for you.

This book will bring truth and light to your soul as you re-discover the truth of the Word of God. The author has written this book as a call to all those believers who have lost the joy of their salvation. This joy can be recaptured and reclaimed. Come and see what the author has to say. This book will open many eyes to false beliefs and doctrines that have been preached from the pulpit and direct readers back to the victory that is already theirs in Christ. A highly recommended read for the entire Body of Christ that is life giving and life-changing.

For more information about Author Jason Velotta visit Reclaiming Victory-Living in the Gospel where you will be encouraged, uplifted and blessed. You may order the book Reclaiming Victory-Living in the Gospel from at the author's website or through Amazon.

10.0 stars on a scale of 10.0 stars
A Christian Book Marketing book review.

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