Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Is the church powerless and ineffective to bring true healing and power to a world that cries out for justice

Title: Pride, Idolatry and Hypocrisy:
The Gospel According to the Christian Right
Author: Scott Baker
ISBN #978-1469970417
Review Date: July 27, 2012
Reviewed by: CBM Christian Book Marketing
10.0 stars on a scale of 10.0 stars

Author Scott Baker in his book Pride, Idolatry and Hypocrisy: The Gospel According to the Christian Right is a compelling and challenging book that addresses issues of pride, idolatry and hypocrisy in the modern day church of Christianity. Exposing the apostasy of the church, the author also delves into the fundamentalist mindset of corporate church and organized religion. The messages, values and theology taught from the pulpit today are far from the true Gospel of Jesus Christ and as the author states, "Christianity in America has lost its way." Mirroring the religious hypocrites of Jesus' day, today's preachers are more concerned with money, greed and power, while neglecting the poor and preaching salvation to an unsaved world. Satan is happy, very happy with organized religion and the ignorance of God's Word, which has left those inside the church powerless and ineffective to bring true healing and power to a world that cries out for justice.

The author encourages all to take a look first within and points to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. He ends his book with an explanation of how one is to be saved and how to let the Lord be the Lord of your life. This book is a call to those that adhere to the true Gospel of Jesus Christ and a call to all God's children to come back to their Heavenly Father in Heaven just as the prodigal son did.

Author Scott Baker has much to say about today's Christianity and organized religion. His message is simple, as he states, "God is calling His church to repent, to stop living for this world and to return to Him. He wants our precious hearts, not our lukewarm piety and religion." This book is a call for those that have a passion for the Lord Jesus Christ to stand in their God given inheritance and a call for a national repentance upon America, to include the religious Christian community.

Pride, Idolatry and Hypocrisy: The Gospel According to the Christian Right by Scott Baker is available at Amazon and other fine online bookstores.

Sharing the Christian Faith through Christian Book Marketing book reviews.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Wake Up Church !!! Last Call by Author Danny Clifford, a must read book for the body of Christ

For Immediate Release
July 24, 2012
A Christian Book Marketing Press Release

The Last Call, from multi-published author and Vietnam Veteran, Danny Clifford, speaks to today's modern Church.

This compelling and powerful book takes a look at the 'Laodicean Church' of today and urges today's modern day Church to come back to their "first love." In Jesus' message to the Laodicean Church, the Church had become lukewarm. This is not Jesus' desire for the Body of Christ; he wants your whole heart and a committed relationship. The author gives an analogy and compares this call to a committed relationship versus an affair. A committed relationship requires daily work and a lying down of one's life. This relationship is committed no matter what may come-good or bad; an affair, on the other hand, is carnal and is only looking to supply the person's selfish evil desires. With that said, The Last Call, is a wake-up call to most and a call to come into a real personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Time is short as the author states and he asks the questions: Are you a disciple of Jesus? Are you ready for Christ's return? The author states his case and adamantly urges others in a gentle and loving manner that is backed up by Jesus' teachings to recognize these last days for what they are as he inspires others to come into a fully-committed discipleship with the Lord. Come into a deeper understanding of true-discipleship and have the relationship the Lord desires, fulfilling His will and purposes in the process with this new release.

The Last Call is an urgent message to the Body of Christ. With today's message of prosperity, Danny Clifford, reveals biblical truths within the teachings of Jesus' gospel. He shows that many who preach from the pulpits preach a message that is from an obsolete covenant and unveils the false doctrine within these messages. He wants the Church to wake up and believes that the Lord is calling those disciples that are willing to pick up their cross and follow Jesus wherever they are sent. This is a compelling, challenging read that inspires, refreshes and renews one's spiritual life by revealing the power of the Cross and the Blood of Jesus that will ignite a passion for the Lord and encourage a deeper walk with Christ.

Danny Clifford is a multi-published author. From his service as a Vietnam Veteran, comes his first book-Behind Enemy Lines, powerful true-life story of his survival as a soldier caught in war torn Vietnam. He inspires readers with his secret weapon that he found as he explains his journeys from a solider in the United States Army to a soldier in the Kingdom of God. Danny also has a strong evangelistic calling, as he and his wife Michelle, are a powerful kingdom ministry team that have a heart to minister truth to the captives. They are also in the process of developing a prison ministry in Maine.

Danny is available for speaking engagements, seminars, revivals and the like. Find out more about his ministry and books at Spiritual Inspired Word or Heart And Soul Ministries. Last Call is also available on Amazon and other fine online bookstores.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Offering Hope and Encouragement for Women - When God is Faithful, and Your Husband Isn't

Author Janice Porter Lynch shares her story of turning to Jesus in her new book release, "When God is Faithful, and Your Husband Isn't." This is not a vindictive story, but one written from a woman who turned completely to God in her greatest trial. After nine years of marriage, Janice Porter Lynch's world, "changed in one day." She'll never forget the despair, the anger, and the betrayal that sought to destroy her.

This book puts the entire focus of her trial into Jesus' palms. He was faithful to her when all else was not. She shares how we too can look to God to provide for us amidst great adversity.

Offering hope and encouragement, not only for women in similar situations - but to all who face crisis', this book will build your faith tremendously.

Well-written and engaging, the author writes as she delves into each step of what took place and her real reactions that followed. What makes her book different or worthwhile to read? The way she responded to each situation, emotion, or event. She looked only to God to find help, forgiveness, and the fortitude to go on after such a betrayal.

This book will encourage all who have or are going through a fiery trial of their own to look up, look to Jesus, and to let Him be your provider, for He is faithful. Refreshingly honest and uplifting this book is an encouragement to all.

You will learn from this book:

· Seven keys to help you walk through even the most soul-crushing crisis with victory.
· Faith in God and in His Word to thrive in His plan for your life.
· How to pray more effectively, even in the midst of crisis.
· How to recognize the signs of an unfaithful spouse.
· Understanding of the hidden dangers of pornography. and much, much more… This book is invaluable.

Janice Porter Lynch holds a degree in psychology and has homeschooled her three children. She has over 30 years of experience in ministries with women and youth. She is a writer and a speaker.

You can find out more about the author and the book at http://www.whengodisfaithful.com/ .

You can get your copy of the book When God is Faithful, and Your Husband Isn't, at Amazon and other fine online bookstores.

~ Another Christian Book Marketing Author's Article Blast, sharing God's Kingdom with the world.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Engaging, Entertaining - Deception of Magic by Author Joel Bouriaque

Title: Deception of Magic
By: Author Joel Bouriaque
ISBN # 13: 9780615549026
Reviewed by CBM Christian Book Reviews
10.0 stars on a scale of 10.0

Author Joel Bouriaque releases a fiction fantasy novel, Deception of Magic, the first of the Lord of the Stars series. This fun fantasy novel will take the reader on an action packed adventure of a lifetime as each page unfolds. The author weaves and reveals biblical truth with scripture and theology throughout the pages of this fantasy novel using the backdrop of scripture that teaches and imparts the truth of God's Word. This book is engaging and entertaining that unveils powerful truths from Christianity such as salvation, prayer, sin, forgiveness, and the power of the Cross.

This book reaches out to the secular world, young adults and teenagers alike who enjoy fantasy fiction novels. Entertaining and delightful, this novel not only reaches out to the younger generation with the truth of the Word, but also does so in a unique way through character dialogue and interaction. Each character is fully developed by the author, causing the reader to know their intertwining character strengths and weaknesses.

It is the author's hopes to reach out to a lost generation with the truth of the Word of God. He gives enlightenment to many by revealing the purpose of salvation, and explains that man has always had the choice to follow God or to follow their own evil hearts. This book does a wonderful job of displaying the character of God and the consequences of following your own path. For a life filled with pride and lack of acknowledgment of who God is, is a life doomed and on the wrong path. A wonderful, uplifting and inspiring series with the next book release set for September of 2013.

Joel Bouriaque is from Morenci, Arizona, a small mining town located on the very eastern edge of the state. He currently lives in Wetumpka, Alabama, where he attends Santuck Baptist church. Joel has been married for 15 years, to his lovely wife, Sommer. They have two children. His hobbies include guitar, farming, and of course, reading the Bible.

For more information about the author and the book visit Author Joel Bouriaque Amazon page where it is available in paper back and Kindle. You may also get your copy of Deception of Magic at Barnes and Noble in paperback and Nook.

Deception of Magic by Author Joel Bouriaque
10.0 stars on a scale of 10.0
A Must Read Fiction Fantasy Novel

The power of Christian Book Reviews going to the nations.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Christian Book Review, Genre - Christian Fiction - Apologetics - Walking with Ghosts by Author A.C. Kerr

Author: A.C. Kerr
Genre – Christian Fiction – Apologetics
Date Reviewed: July 18, 2012
9.9 stars on a scale of 10.0 stars

Walking with Ghosts is a fictional story of man named Gus, who unbeknownst to him, is being watched by heavenly hosts and who, by divine appointment, is about to confront several ancient spirits that are influencing some companions of his. Author A.C. Kerr has developed a character driven dialogue addressing the issue of Christian apologetics that is thoroughly entertaining. The main goal of the author was, "to bridge the gap between what is available and what is accessible" to college students in an attempt to dispel atheistic beliefs and explain Christian apologetics in an interesting and fascinating way, without overwhelming the reader with too much theology or "data."

Gus, a Christian family man, finds himself in England on a work visa. He is a professor of geology at a small private college. He has befriended a man named Tom who is also a professor at the college. The two take a walk down a scenic countryside road and Gus is introduced to two other friends of Tom's. These four engage in dialogue that is intellectual, philosophical and theological in content as they travel this picturesque and quaint countryside road. They come upon an unusual old rustic tavern that is well known to Gus' newfound friends. These four continue their lively debates as they find warmth in this roadside tavern. Together, Gus finds great companionship with the four, even though their beliefs relating to God, the Universe, Evolution and Creation, differ to a great degree.

Continuing these great debates, the four then embark on a sightseeing vacation that leads them to several ancient civilizations which furthers their progressive dialogue. Gus being a devout Christian is firm in his Christian beliefs. He confronts these men, who for the most part are atheists and whom are ruled by various spirits that deny the deity of Christ. As these discussions progress the author makes fantastic progress at answering some of the most typical questions presented by science or what an atheist might present, therefore dispelling the common erroneous belief that, "…scientific evidence overwhelmingly stands against Christian beliefs."

The author has brilliantly addressed issues such as the evidence for creation, the existence of God, the origin of life, the flood, evolution, the Bible, unbelief and salvation throughout the dialogues of these four highly intellectual and educated men. The author does an excellent job of presenting these subjects, firmly giving a biblical answer without overwhelming the reader with scriptures or theology. Many questions such as, "Why is suffering allowed by a loving God?" are delicately, wisely and biblically answered or addressed.

This is a highly recommended, fast-paced read ending in an interesting little twist, enough to leave you wondering what the next volume is going to be about. This book is entertaining, humorous at times, and offers an unusual amount of biblical armory to defend against any evolutionist. This book would make a perfect gift to a college student, as they are often presented with all types scientific evidence and theories of how the world was created and how man came to be. This book is also an excellent reference for any parent wanting to re-enforce Christianity within their child who may be attending a secular college. As a parent of a college student myself, this book is much appreciated and goes a long way to show that there is overwhelming evidence that God does exist and that we just didn't evolve.

Walking with Ghosts by Author A.C. Kerr is available on Amazon and other fine online bookstores. Get your copy today.

Highly Recommended
9.9 stars on a scale of 10.0 stars
Looking into the pages through Christian Book Reviews

Monday, July 16, 2012

Simple Steps To Putting Life Back Together Again - Author, Dan Hurst

Broken Dreams, Shattered Lives - finding Victory in the midst of the darkness

Author, Dan Hurst releases a wonderful book, Broken Dreams, Shattered Lives-Putting Life Back Together. Encouraging, inspiring, easy-to-read and engaging, the author gives the reader eleven practical principles to get life back on track.

This mini-book is written for those in crisis or that have experienced past trauma. Written with honesty and much biblical wisdom, these eleven practical principles extracted from God's Word will help those that feel hopeless back onto a path of life with God in their future. Make no mistake, life does not come without challenges, as the author notes, but there is a way to put your life back together again; moving ahead in a positive manner is a must, but can only be done by dependence on God. Refreshing and uplifting this book offers solace and solutions to those whose lives have been broken.

The author will be the first to say that his book is not a magical formula, but offers small, practical steps with God to lead you onto the right path from a biblical perspective. The author thoughtfully takes a glimpse at some of life's devastating circumstances and writes with compassion to all, giving the reader hope, inspiration and a sound biblical road map to recovery. Whether you have experienced the death of a loved one, experienced the ravages of divorce or simply are paying the consequences for your own sin, the author shows how God can turn your test into a testimony.

Dan Hurst is a multi-published author and Bible teacher. He has many years of experience in helping and counseling others, helping many back to a path of life with Jesus Christ. Take a wonderful journey through the pages of this book and be refreshed, encouraged, and filled with life changing faith. Each page and chapter will bless you while providing you with sound Biblical wisdom.

For more information about the author and the book be sure to visit Broken Dreams, Shattered Lives-Putting Life Back Together. The book is also available on Amazon and other fine online bookstores. Be sure to pick up your copy and a copy for a friend.
Christian Author's Article Blast, the power of Christian Book Marketing.

Friday, July 13, 2012

A Love Story of God's Endless Love and Life Changing Grace - The Road to Restoration

A Story of love, redemption and the power of God's grace.

Author, Samantha Ryan Chandler writes, A Love Story-How God Pursed Me and Found Me-An Impossibly True Story. This gripping and heart-wrenching memoir by the author gives her personal testimony of an unseen divorce that forever changed the landscape of the author's life and the lives of her children.

In the author's words, she tells a story of an evil plan perpetrated by her husband to rob her of everything: their homes, money, and stability-to include her three precious daughters. The author writes with purpose first for her children, so they would know the truth, but also gives the reader many life lessons learned through her dilemma. When all else failed in her life, God was faithful. The author boldly proclaims the unfailing love of God as she learned that God can rescue anyone, for His hand is not too short. Her message is one of hope and faith in God, encouraging others to hold on to see their restoration. For God is a God of new beginnings and faithfulness in His love.

Giving accounts to visitations by angels on three different occasions, the book testifies to the supernatural in a wonderful way. Uplifting and filled with scripture this message of encouragement is to all those whose lives have been stolen from. Her message is simple: God is Faithful and He can restore that which was lost. This book is truly a magnificent testimony to the saving power of the grace of God.

This is a testament to the love of God and an irresistible love story to those that are lost. Thank you Samantha for writing a book that shared your life story, that gives others hope when "hope" has been lost. You are an inspiration.

Highly recommended for anyone that loves an amazingly true story with a happy ending! May all the glory and honor be to God-who came and rescued a young, skinny girl from Nowhere, Louisiana and gave her life and life more abundantly!

For more information about the author and the book be sure to visit Author Samantha Ryan Chandler ... You may also visit Amazon for more information about A Love Story-How God Pursed Me and Found Me-An Impossibly True Story

Another Christian Author's Article Blast sharing Christian authors with book lovers.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Christian Author, Rev. Joshua Doshick Joe's Holy Spirit Hover Over Me

Holy Spirit, Hover Over Me, written by Rev. Joshua Doshick Joe, is the personal testimony of the author being healed of seven different chronic diseases from which he suffered for more than 30 years and the miraculous healings through the power of the Holy Spirit. His wife was also miraculously healed by infirmities and afflictions from which the medical doctors could find no cause according to the author. Faith will increase as the readers see that through prayer and the power of the Holy Spirit, "Nothing is impossible with God." Reading this book, "Holy Spirit, Hover Over Me" will certainly change your life and your perspective.

Giving all the glory to God, the author has penned his book as a prayer journal of the author's time in prayer and words received from the Holy Spirit. The author has recorded the teachings from the Holy Spirit in hopes that others will learn from them and come into the full knowledge of the Trinity. The author was led on a long journey for many years, reading the Bible from very early in the morning to late at night, as the Holy Spirit taught him according to the Scriptures. As the author testifies to many times, the Holy Spirit gave all the teachings and scripture that are recorded in this book. Not only will readers be inspired by the miraculous testimony, but they will also acquire a deeper knowledge of the Bible and the workings and ministry of the Holy Spirit.

Author and Missionary Chairman of The Whole Race Gospel and Missionary Service, Rev. Joshua Doshick Joe ministers to the multitudes through many miraculous healings through the power of the Holy Spirit. A changed man, his life service is to the Lord Jesus Christ.

Having previously read and written a book review on the author's book, Holy Spirit, Hover Over Me we encourge you to visit the author's website for further information. The book Holy Spirit, Hover Over Me is also available on Amazon where you can get your copy.

A Christian Book Marketing Authors Article Blast

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Press Release - A Delightful Children's Book by Author Sherrill S. Cannon - Gimme-Jimmy

For Immediate Release - July 3, 2012
A CBM Christian Author Press Release

Award winning and multi published author Sherrill S. Cannon releases her fourth children's book, Gimme-Jimmy, selected as a "Finalist" in the Readers Favorite Awards Contest, winners will be announced in September 1st, 2012. This delightful little book is a rhyming book about a selfish bully named Jimmy who has trouble sharing; each time he says, "Gimme" something strange happens to his hand. He learns that being polite and sharing is better than being a bully. Children will be entertained throughout with the colorful illustrations and the rhyming rhythm of this charming book. Recommended for young children between the ages of 3 thru 9.

Author Sherrill S. Cannon is a multi talented individual who has worn many different hats over the years. She dedicated her life to teaching and family in raising her four children, but now finds immense joy in writing children's books that teach little ones polite manners and behavior. She is an avid playwright, author of six published children's plays, and now writes as she and her husband of 52 years travel in their RV across the U.S. from coast to coast, spending time visiting their children and soon-to-be-ten grandchildren.

Her previous three books are the proud winners of ten prestigious awards and teach young children values and polite manners in a way that children can remember and relate to. Her other books include, Peter and the Whimper-Whineys, recommended to help children that complain or whine, which is a 2011 Readers Favorite Bronze Medal Winner and also a USA Best Books Finalist Award Winner; The Magic Word is about the word, you guessed it, "please" as the magic word. This book has received six awards: a NABE Pinnacle Achievement Award for Summer 2011, was a 2011 Gold Medal Winner of the Readers Favorite Awards, received a 2011 Global eBook Finalist Award, and also a Reader Views Second Place Award. In 2012 it has received an Indie Next Generation Finalist Award, as well as an International Book Awards Finalist award. Her Christmas book, Santa's Birthday Gift, keeps Christ central to Christmas, but incorporates why there is a Santa and has a delightful story behind those gifts under the tree. This book has received a 2011 National Indie Excellence Finalist Award, and a 2011 Readers Favorite Silver Medal. All of her rhyming books will delight, entertain and educate children.

For more information about the author and her books, visit Sherrill S. Cannon. You will also find her books available on Amazon and at other fine bookstores.

A Christian Book Marketing Author's Press Release sharing Christian author's and their books with the world.


Sunday, July 1, 2012

For Immediate Release, Christian Author Acacia Slaton Beumer, Launch Out Into the Deep

Mom's Choice Gold Recipient and Dove "Family Approved" author for ages twelve plus, Acacia Slaton Beumer releases, Launch Out Into the Deep, a well-written, daily devotional that will encourage readers with her short essay style writings that apply Scripture to everyday life.

Written for those that don't want a long novel, but enjoy daily devotionals that challenge, teach and inspire, Acacia's candid writings go to the heart of real-life issues that can encumber our youth. Young women and teens will find solace in this chicken soup style candor. This collection of heartwarming stories include a unique structure by incorporating a daily devotional, giving scriptural truths that end with thought provoking and uplifting poems written by co-author, Aaron Slaton. Life is a journey-embrace the challenges, rise above the storms and be encouraged to persevere in your daily walk with Christ.

Acacia Slaton Beumer is a proud mother of two young girls, ages 1 and 3. She is a graduate of Oral Roberts University and will receive a Master of Science in Marriage and Family Therapy in the summer of 2012. She works in the field of Social Services and finds joy in serving others. Her husband is a member in the United States Military serving in the Armed Forces. Her hope is to educate with the truth of the Word, edify and comfort those in need of hope and belonging. Her book enthusiastically proclaims that we are never alone for our Father in Heaven watches over all.

Author Acacia Slaton Beumer can be contacted by email at acacia@launchoutbook.com. Her book is available on her website at Launch Out Into The Deep as well as Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kindle and other fine online bookstores.

Christian Book Marketing Press Releases sharing Christian books with Christian book lovers.


A Fun Book for The Kiddos

The Santa Committee