Friday, April 27, 2012

A Must Read - The Four In One Gospel of Jesus by Nikola Dimitrov

Have you ever wondered about the chronological order of events in the life of our Lord Jesus Christ while He was on earth? Or have you heard the secular accusations that the four gospels in the Bible contradict each other?

Well, The Four in One Gospel of JESUS is a chronological and contextual biography of Jesus Christ, from the Holy Bible

The Four in One Gospel of JESUS is the four Gospels compiled chronologically giving the fullness of each Bible story and of each Gospel. It is great for preachers, lecturers, studiers of the Word, and everyday Bible readers. With one Gospel as the base and the other Gospel books as supplements, this book gives complete stories and facts using all available information with not one scripture left out. All the Gospel text from each book, in this eight-year study, is blended in concise, comprehensive, and chronological order.

The Four in One Gospel of JESUS will aid you in your Bible study but is not to replace the Four Gospels. We know the four apostles who wrote the Gospels captured the Divinity and humanity of Jesus from four different perspectives in multiple stories. This book is a combined chronology of these different perspectives of the life of Jesus.

The Four in One Gospel of JESUS is a unique, Holy Spirit-inspired book which serves as an inspirational blessing which will enrich your life spiritually, enhancing your walk with God!

Nikola Dimitrov accepted the Lord Jesus as his personal Savior in 1992. In 1994 he was ordained as a pastor and continues to be involved actively in full time ministry. In 1999 Nikola and his wife Helen were ordained by Living Faith Ministry International, headquartered in Tel-Aviv, Israel, The late Rt. Rev.Dr. R. Ben-Ari Th.D. being the Presiding Bishop at that time. In 2000, they became an active part of "Life in Glory" Apostolic Christian Center in Stara Zagora city, Bulgaria and in 2010 they started their own Church in Bourgas city, Bulgaria.

For more information about Nikola Dimitrov, his books and to be encouraged and edified visit his ministry site at Life Of Jesus. For Amazon orders visit The Four In One Gospel of Jesus.

Author Article Blasts by CBM Christian Book Marketing

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Multi Published Author Cliff Ball - Times of Trouble, An End Times Novel

Author Cliff Ball has had a passion for writing since he was ten years old. His works fall under the category of speculative fiction. All of Cliff's books have a theme that will will keep you on the edge of your seat. In the last ten years Cliff has penned such thrillers as: Out of Time in 2008, Don't Mess With Earth in 2009, The Usurper, published 2010, Shattered Earth, published in 2010, New Frontier, published in December 2011, Dust Storm, published in Demcember 2011, and Voyager and the Aliens, published in 2011. His most recent work is Times of Trouble: an End Times novel, published February of 2012.

Read More about Times of Trouble: an End Times novel-

Thirty years in the future, the U.S. government has turned into a tyranny as the EPA and TSA grow with ever more power.

Brian, the main character, tells his story from first person point of view. His work with the FBI involves mostly cyber terrorism and actual cases of potential real world terrorism. Eventually, his wife gives birth to their third child, who has Down's Syndrome, which does not please the U.S. Health Administration because there are rules and regulations set-up in cases like these to prevent "genetic freaks" as they like to call them, from sucking up a lot of Health Admin money. Because the Atwoods are born again Christians, they never considered aborting the baby, so now the Health people have to take him away to deal with the problem later.

Meanwhile, the Secret Service decides to recruit Brian to be the personal agent of the President of the United States, David Collins, due to his great work involving a case that dealt with terrorism that would've involved Offutt Air Force Base. Brian's faith is tested every day as he deals with a man who has no morals from what Brian can see, and is tested even more when his wife finds out that she's dying from a fast growing form of breast cancer. Trouble in the rest of the world occurs as Iran attempts to nuke Israel, which fails spectacularly, so Israel takes care of the problem. This brings condemnation from everyone, including the U.S., which takes the side of Iran.

When the re-election of Collins doesn't turn out the way he wanted it, he and his people declare the election nullified because of supposed "irregularities" with the ballots. Collins claims that the new President-elect may take the seat sometime in the middle of next year, if everything looks to be sorted out. Collins purges his staff of what he considers unloyal people, including Brian. At the same time, he loses his wife, but regains the son he thought he had lost.

Brian moves back to his family home in Nebraska, where we follow what happens as the country slowly falls apart. Events play out as Brian and his family sees the End Times approach.

Author Cliff Ball currently lives in Lewisville, TX. As a Christian Author Cliff's worldviews tends to inhabit his novels with a Christian and/or Conservative theme. Cliff has a BA in English from Midwestern State University in Wichita Falls, and is currently thinking of pursuing an MA in Technical Communications, but is currently in the process of getting a Technical Writing certificate from the University of North Texas.

To find our more about Author Cliff Ball and his books visit his website at Author Cliff Ball. You can also find Cliff on Twitter, Facebook at Barnes and Noble and Amazon.
Author Article Blasts and Book Marketing by CBM Christian Book Marketing

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A CBM Book Review - The Chosen Fast & Prayer by Robert P. Holland

Title: The Chosen Fast & Prayer
Author: Robert P. Holland
ISBN # 9781466485631
Date Reviewed: April 24, 2012
Reviewed by: CBM Christian Book Reviews
10.0 stars on a scale of 10.0 stars

Author, Pastor, Robert P. Holland, from his many years of experience as a Pastor and a believer has written a comprehensive booklet on "The Chosen Fast", as spoken of in Isaiah 58, while comparing the purposes, meanings and technicalities of Traditional Fasts, the Daniel Fast, to include Public Fasts and 21/40 day Fasts for individuals.

Holland addresses, "The Chosen Fast" as a lifestyle that should be embraced by every believer. If you find yourself lacking passion and drive, this book will inspire you to come up higher, and will ignite in the heart a passion to serve others, find wisdom and serve the Lord with all your heart, mind, body and soul. The author also dispels many of the false presumptions Christians may have on the subject of fasting and prayer alike, causing readers to examine their lives through the perspective and lens of "The Chosen Fast" as spoken of in Isaiah 58.

Filled with Wisdom and Truth from the Scriptures, the author addresses the lifestyle of a believer and what that lifestyle is to emanate from the born-again, spirit-filled Christian. This Chosen Fast is the culmination of Old Testament and New Testament teachings on what believers are to do while we wait upon Christ's return. Written to help encourage and exhort others to live as they should and as Christ commanded until He returns, the author has compiled an easy-to-read and fast-paced booklet that will not only educate and encourage readers on fasting, but instills the desire to live in the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and to be a doer of the Word, rather than only a hearer of the Word.

This is a much-needed book in today's materialistic, self-centered society that will benefit the body of Christ greatly and the world fulfilling the Great Commission. This book is a highly recommended read for every Christian. Considering and acting upon these teachings which follow Jesus' teachings will revolutionize your life, your walk with God, your prayer life and intern you will find new life, Jesus' life.

A Very Highly Recommended Read

The Chosen Fast & Prayer by Robert P. Holland

10.0 stars on a scale of 10.0 stars
Book Reviews by CBM Christian Book Reviews

Monday, April 9, 2012

Author T.R Lipscomb - Trusting and Resting in God's Love

In The Father's Lap

"What shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who is against us? He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how will He not also with Him freely give us all things?" (Rom 8:31 & 32 NASB)

Doubt, pain, frustration, confusion, tears, a roller coaster of emotions; all have been my companion over the past few months. Reassurance, reminders, expressions of love, holding me close, peace where there is no peace; all have been The Father's response to my questions.

Yesterday's Daily Bread devotional was in Romans 8, my favorite NT chapter. When I checked my email and Facebook this morning I am again edified by the things I read. I am an emotional mess and He knows it. I need a daily reminder of His love for me and He is very much aware of it. I fight doubt as I recover from losing yet another house, fight fear as I face a mountain of debt and fight intense emotional pain as I face another Resurrection Day without my children. The loving Father that He is brings my attention back to Himself.

Over the past few days He has brought many reminders to me as I keep myself in a place where He feeds my spirit. He has good plans for my future (Jer. 29:11). He will restore the years the locusts have eaten (Joel 2:25). He has His Spirit interceding on my behalf with groaning too deep for words (Rom 8:26-27). He helps me to wait for Him, to keep His way (Ps 37:34).

How much longer must I wait for the promised restoration of what was taken from me? How much longer must I wait for the return of my prodigal children? How much longer must I wait for the promised Joy that comes in the Morning? I don't know, but I do know the God of the Impossible. I do know that He loves me. I am even more reminded of this as we have just celebrated the Holiest weekend of the year where we remember our Savior's death and resurrection. He is risen – so how could I continue to wallow in my pain and sorrow? He who spared not His son will also freely restore to me what I am waiting for, just as He restored Job when the fullness of time has come.
Visit Author T.R Lipscomb at her blog where you will find more great articles, writings and about her book, Dearest Children.
Author Article Blasts by CBM Christian Book Marketing

God Inspired, Powerful, Encouraging - Hanging On by the Scratch Marks My Nails Left Behind Raw Faith by Elizabeth Chalker

Elizabeth Chalker has written a powerful, God inspired book that will encourage and help strengthen anyone who reads it. If you are in the midst of suffering, or struggling through intense hardships, then this book will provide solace and hope to pull you out of the darkness and into the light!

About Elizabeth and her book: The following is taken with permission from Elizabeth's website. Foreword (from Elizabeth's book)

I don't know if there is really a way for anyone to understand the depths of pain and suffering from which this work of Elizabeth's springs. As one who has witnessed this firsthand, being physically with her in the day-to-day more than anyone else, it's still unfathomable to me what she goes through. The reality of her minute-to-minute existence is far too unbelievable to wrap the mind around. Most of the writing was done in a very dark, cold room in complete silence. Much was done with the computer on Elizabeth's lap, with her typing with her eyes closed, as the light even from the computer screen was too much, too painful. All of it was done with a continual headache/migraine, as those only change in level of severity. She worked in small increments in between excruciating, unbearable physical pain and exhaustion, and moments of reprieve where the physical pain/symptoms and migraines were "bearable enough."

Most of us will never know the loneliness that she experiences or the fear as she watches uncontrollable things happen to her body each day. Even though I am with her as often as possible, and she is never out of my thoughts or my heart, most of this she suffers completely alone, except for her constant companion and angel of God, Symon.

Yet in this existence, that is impossible to call a life, she has never wavered in her faith. She has sought, screamed, challenged, asked tough questions, and been candid in her queries, and also candid in all of what she experiences. However, she has never abandoned her faith. Additionally, she has always been there to support those she loves in spite of the constant abandonment, with words of faith, encouragement, love, and wisdom, always giving beyond her strength and capabilities and often paying a huge price of increased physical pain and other symptoms for days or weeks, as her own health deteriorates.

To me, she is the epitome of what God wants for all of us. To love where there is no evidence, give when there's nothing left and believe where there is nothing left to hold onto except "the scratch marks our nails left behind."

Elizabeth, you are and will always be a daughter, very dear friend, and mentor to me. I congratulate you on completing this amazing project, this work of raw faith. Your perseverance is astounding and awe-inspiring. To witness the tortures you live every second of every day, the loneliness, the travesty, and injustices, and then to see the incredible genuine love you are, is truly phenomenal. God shines through you so brilliantly, such is evident to all who know you and know of you—and is equally evident through the God-inspired writing you have completed and now share with the world. I love you forever.

~~~ Dr. Corey Cameron

This God inspired book is sure to bless your life and strengthen you within on your own life's journey. Order your copy today and have your life inspired by hope and faith you never imagined possible! The proceeds from this book helps Elizabeth pay for her medical needs.

For more information about Elizabeth and her book visit Hanging On by the Scratch Marks My Nails Left Behind Raw Faith. For those who would like to get to know Elizabeth and read more about her life-story please visit Help Elizabeth.

A Fun Book for The Kiddos

The Santa Committee