Sunday, January 29, 2012

Multi Published Author Alan Moreton's - The Book Traveller

The Book Traveller

Alan Moreton is the author of "The Book Traveller", the Classic Fiction Fantasy Adventures of Thomas Howard.

Thomas Howard believes he is about to retire to a life of ease but the mysterious Mr. Ridley sells him a chair called, "The Book Traveller", which takes him on an emotional roller-coaster journey through his favorite classic books and into the murky depths of his terrifying past. As his past unfolds his volatile relationship with the beautiful, charismatic but tormented Chinese/Hawaiian girl, Heather Lee reveals obsessions of drug addiction, adultery and crime, which eventually will lead to heartbreaking tragedy.

The travel back through time places Thomas in a position to view his past through the lens of each character whose persona he assumes, giving him a deeper understanding of himself and of the world around him.

Here's what others are saying after reading the Chapter Sampler PDF that is offered on Alan's site; "I loved it!", "It is already a great story!", "What a brilliant opening!", "This is fabulous!", "I am completely enchanted."….

About the Author:

Alan was born in Birmingham, England. He has lived in the South East, principally London and Essex. He lived in South Africa for five years in the late 1980's early 1990's. His major influences are classics of English literature and the writing style of W. Somerset Maugham, whose clear but penetrating style he tries to emulate. He is an eclectic writer of fiction including crime/mystery/thriller, classic fiction, historical and memoir.


Alan Moreton is the author of "The Book Traveller", the Classic Fiction adventures of Thomas Howard and "The Messenger", a further Classic Fiction adventure of Thomas Howard.

He is also the author of "At the World's End", a Historical novel set at the end of the Victorian era during the Boer War in South Africa and the suffragette Movement. His first published work is "The Confession of Sandy Harris", a Rev. Dr. Roger Ratcher Mystery. He is also the author of The Temptation of Anthony Stone, a further investigation of the Rev. Dr. Roger Ratcher.

Be sure to visit Author Alan Moreton's website for further information on "The Book Traveller", other great books by Alan and how to download the free Chapter Sampler PDF and read the opening chapters of "The Book Traveller." You might also enjoy visiting Alan's blog Tales Of The Tortoise for some great reading.

Author Alan Moreton's work, "The Book Traveller" is also available on Amazon in paperback or on Kindle as an eBook.

Alan Moreton, The Book Traveller, the Classic Fiction Fantasy adventures of Thomas Howard

Author Article Blasts by CBM Christian Book Marketing

Thursday, January 26, 2012

SCARS, A End-Times Novel - Revelation Comes To Life In This Mesmerizing Apocalyptic Thriller Weaved With End Times Prophecy

An Amazing End-Times Prophecy Novel by Patience Prence

A bestseller in Christian Fiction, SCARS reveals many possible answers to questions such as, "Who is the Antichrist? The False Prophet? The name that equates to 666 in both Greek and Hebrew?" and "What is the Mark of the Beast and the image of the Beast?" This is a must read book!

Revelation comes to life in this mesmerizing apocalyptic thriller weaved with End Times prophecy. A heart-wrenching story of a young girl set during the Tribulation, SCARS chronicles the beginning of the End of the World, as earth-shattering events lead up to the Apocalypse as foretold in the Bible.

Sixteen-year-old Rebekah Silver is your average teenager living in Southern California. She worries only about learning her cheerleading routines and passing her math test. But as world dictators rise to power and devastating disasters claim millions of lives she is inspired to search for answers. Becky soon discovers her world is quickly coming to an end, just as it was prophesied. Now she must decide whether to risk her life to follow the laws of God or surrender her soul to the law of man in this action-packed thriller. Will Becky Survive?

What the Reviewers are saying,

"Scars will challenge your own faith and cause you to think," LaTawnia Kintz.

"Wow. Incredible, potentially life changing," Bluebird.

"The best end-times book I have ever read, it is very plausible," ericathy222.

"Powerful," SRMeyers.

"Better than the Left Behind Series," The Novelist.

"Over-the edge-writing, " Tammy's Book Parlor.

Click here to see more Amazon Reviews of Scars

About The Author:

Patience Prence was fascinated by the book of Revelation as a young child. She has studied Revelation and end-time prophecies for many years. Patience takes in her novel, her desire to share her faith and draw readers into a better understanding of end time events and the reliability of Scripture as Truth.

Patience is legally blind and suffers from Usher Syndrome, a disease that causes hearing loss and blindness (Retinitis Pigmentosa).

SCARS is currently rated #1 in Biblical fiction on Amazon. Get SCARS on Amazon or at Barnes and Noble .

Also available at the publishers' website at

Author Article Blasts by CBM Christian Book Marketing

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Is The Bible True for You? If Not, Why? Gravity, True For You But Not For Me by Michael Edwards

Title: Gravity, True For You But Not For Me
Author: Michael Edwards
Review Date: January 14, 2012
Reviewed by Christian Book Reviews
10.0 stars on a scale of 10.0 stars

"Gravity, True For You But Not For Me" by Author Michael Edwards is quite a powerful mini-book that packs the punch, "Big surprises come in little packages," which is an understatement. Perfect for evangelism and originally an e-book, this book addresses every possible question or doubt about Christianity by combining facts, evidence and the truth with biblical principles. This book has the reader examine what is truth, does God exist, can we trust the Bible, did the resurrection really happen, and who did Jesus claim to be. Then by giving a twelve-point conclusion the author ends the journey with a pathway to salvation. Keep several copies of this one in your car, you'll want to hand them out to everyone you meet!

The author states in his opening paragraph of the book, "It's not about religion, it's about truth." The author goes on to explain his purpose for writing the book being that the, "…objective evidence must be considered in order to make an informed decision." Otherwise believing something because your parents believe it, relying on emotions or believing something to be true because you believe it to be true does not make it true; this is called "blind faith," as the author emphatically states. The facts must be examined and as the author continues to write, "Every person deserves at least the chance to examine the facts and make an informed decision."

Compelling, powerful and filled with common sense this book is packed with undeniable factual and scientific basis that clearly state the case for Christianity and why, if you believe or not, the Bible is true for you. Initially, and ingeniously, using the analogy of the law of gravity, the author catches the attention of the reader by stating that the law of gravity is true for everyone whether you have faith in gravity or not; gravity is true for everyone.

In much the same way, the author points the reader to the facts with an easy to read, fast-paced book that examines what truth is, and how best to look at the objective evidence. Clearly and concisely, this book also takes a look at apologetics, as well as the scientific evidence for creation, thereby dispelling the common lies and myths about the universe simply by examination of the evidence. In today's confusing world of many religions the author offers clarity for the reader. While many people believe whatever they are told or that what they believe is truth with no evidence to support that belief, this book urges the reader to base their beliefs on that which is truth and the evidence first before making a decision

This book is real, interesting, states the truth and will give many the knowledge they need to make an informed decision. Written by a man who is truly concerned about your future, a true evangelist at heart, the author wants the readers to know the truth and encourages the reader to make a decision based on truth. A highly recommended read for unbelievers, atheists, skeptics, scientists, evolutionists, and Christians alike. Know the facts, read this book!

Be sure to visit the author's website for unbelievable pricing including free E-Book information.

Also available on Amazon ...... Smashwords and other fine online bookstores.

Gravity, True For You But Not For Me by Author Michael Edwards

Highly Recommended
10.0 stars on a scale of 10.0 stars
Book Review by CBM Christian Book Reviews

Friday, January 6, 2012

CBM Press Release - Oklahoma Author Recounts Some Of His Hardest Times Being Imprisoned

(A CBM Press Release January 3rd, 2012)

"Daydreams and Night Visions" by Author Charles Duane Henley

From author Charles Duane Henley comes his first release, "Daydreams and Night Visions" a unique and powerful collection of prophetic poems and parables intertwined with the author's personal amazing testimony. These Holy Spirit inspired writings will set your heart ablaze for Christ. Poignant and powerful these writings and poems cut to the heart and ignite passion in the soul for the One who is the lover of your soul, Jesus Christ. It is the author's intent and hope that all come to know the depth and width of the love of God and come to understand, in a deeper, more intimate and personal way what Christ did for mankind on the Cross of Calvary.

Experience the heart felt passion of this author who came from a life of sin, and as the Prodigal Son did, came running back into the arms of his loving Father in Heaven. Leaving a legacy of beautifully written and Holy Spirit inspired prophetic poems, the author's purpose and intent in penning this book is that anyone who reads this book will be inspired to make a choice for Christ. Knowing that time is short, and today is the day of salvation, the author wants everyone to know the freedom, love and forgiveness found in Jesus Christ and that there is nothing more important in this world than making sure that you don't spend an eternity without God.

The author candidly shares his life experience as a child once on fire for God, who ran astray as most people do. He found himself years later on a road called despair, which he has eloquently penned a poem of. All of the author's writings come from the inner heart and are vivid poems of his life, trials, tribulations, hopes and dreams. They display the absolute love and forgiveness found in the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ. All glory is given to his Father in Heaven as the author recounts some of his hardest times being imprisoned, bound physically in the flesh, but speaks of the joy and freedom he experiences in his spirit being taught and groomed by the Lord during this period.

Out of his "pit" experience comes a beautiful testimony to the love and grace of God. These poems are poignant, sometimes convicting and simple, yet scriptural and profound truths found in the Word of God. This book is a creative and truly inspiring life story that will open your eyes to the possibilities in Christ despite great adversities. This encouraging, faith filled invaluable book of prophetic poems is sure to ignite a passion in other's souls for a life with Christ.
For further information visit Author Charles Duane Henley's web site Daydreams and Night Visions.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Author Theresa Franklin's New Book Release - Triumph Through Trial, A Story of Renewal

Title: Triumph Through Trial, A Story of Renewal
Author: Theresa Franklin
ISBN # 978-1-936587-76-6 E-Book Edition
Review Date: January 3, 2012
Reviewed by CBM Christian Book Reviews
10.0 on a scale of 10.0 stars

"Triumph Through Trial, A Story of Renewal" by award winning Christian author Theresa Franklin is an endearing story of the Owens family who went from discord, contention and strife to a new life full of renewal and triumph. Romans 8:28 states (NIV), "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." We can rest assured that even though there are trials, tragedies and hardships in life, if we live our life according to God's plans and purposes, He will work everything out in our life for good. Get ready to sit down, relax and enjoy this beautifully written book full of hope, encouragement and faith through the story of one family that overcame life's adversities through oneness in Christ.

Author, Theresa Franklin does a wonderful job in administering to the heart of families and encouraging families to stick together in love through this fictional short story. We all know what our lives look from the outside. But when we examine our family life from the inside, more than we like to admit, one will find dysfunction in the home. When we come to a place of acknowledging our sins and confessing them to God, God can work on our behalf. The author asks these important questions and urges us all to spend, "…time in front of God's mirror and try to see what those who know you best actually see? Are you a Christian? Have you accepted Christ as your savior?" In that, the author is asking, are you walking the walk and talking the talk? So many people profess to be Christians, but as Christians we should be exhibiting love, respect and service to our families in the home as well. If not, this book will lead the way to a new path of wholeness in Christ for families.

Driven by emotions, control, negativity, judgment and perfectionism, Cynthia is in complete denial of her behavior towards her family members. Severely affected, the husband is miserable, and her children avoid her as much as possible. Inevitably when there is dysfunction in the home, the author states, the stress can be measured in emotional and physical illnesses. Although the book is a fictional story, the author has described a very real and believable picture of how life is in our own families sometimes. The Owens family is torn from the inside out, due to stresses from the contention and discord caused by one family member suffering from deep emotional wounds caused from her own dysfunctional childhood.

This book is truly a blessing to families and the body of Christ. The author, through the use of scriptures and examples of family life, paints a wonderful picture of how life can be through the love and redemption of Jesus Christ. The author promotes family in this story of healing and encourages others, that "…love covereth a multitude of sins." Families will find solace and comfort through this book. Theresa's Franklin's writing style flows smoothly making for an easy read, keeping the reader fully engaged. This book will minister to all families that are "less than perfect." A highly recommend, encouraging read that will impact others for Christ. God can work in any situation, as the author illustrates, even the impossible ones.

Triumph Through Trial, A Story of Renewal By Author Theresa Franklin

Highly Recommended
10.0 on a scale of 10.0 stars
Book Review by CBM Christian Book Reviews

A Fun Book for The Kiddos

The Santa Committee